G-20 Summit in Delhi: PM Modi on Sunday said the event will see the biggest participation ever in the history of the G20 Summit
#G-20Summit #Sunak #JaiShriRam #UKEnvoy #India #GlobalOrder
#g #sunak #jaishriram #ukenvoy #india #globalorder
#RishiSunak vieraili päiväkodissa, ja piirsi lasten kanssa ampiaisen. #Sunak in #ampiainen näyttää mielestäni lapsen tekemältä. Tulkitsen, että #pääministeri on näin pyrkinyt ns. sulautumaan lasten pariin paremmin; piirtää heidän kaltaisesti, ei jotain biologista, aikuismaista piirrosta.
Nyt ihmiset & #media irvailevat.
On kritiikkiä ja on "kritiikkiä". Tämä on jälkimmäistä.
On valtava määrä #politiikka sisältöjä, joista Sunakia voisi ja tulisi kritisoida
#rishisunak #sunak #ampiainen #paaministeri #media #politiikka
»#Sunak to spend £100m of taxpayer cash on #AIchips in global race for computer power: Effort fuels prime minister’s ambitions to make #Britain a global leader in the field.« https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/08/20/sunak-spend-100m-taxpayer-cash-ai-chips-global-race/?eicker.news #tech #media
#sunak #aichips #Britain #tech #media
@ChrisMayLA6 well that's a promise #Sunak has kept then.
I am sure the people of Tunbridge Wells are happy
#climate #FossilFuel lobbyist governments.
Meet #Conservative peer "Lord" Wharton. A #UK parliament (business clone) member. Does Wharton look like a criminal?
According to #UK law, he's not. It's completely legal to plot behind the scenes, to be a fossil fuel lobbyist & advocate against green reforms in the #EU without being registered as a fossil fuel lobbyist https://www.desmog.com/2023/08/04/office-for-students-chair-lord-james-wharton-condemned-for-role-with-oilfield-firm/
UK PM #Sunak & Wharton may look (a bit) different, but they speak the same #political #greenwash
#climate #fossilfuel #conservative #uk #eu #sunak #political #greenwash
Five Greenpeace activists have been arrested after ending their rooftop protest at Rishi Sunak’s North Yorkshire mansion, which they mounted to “drive home the dangerous consequences of a new drilling frenzy”.....
...The deputy prime minister, Oliver Dowden, left in charge of the country in Sunak’s absence, told the protesters to “stop the stupid stunts”.
#climatecrisis #climate #sunak #gtto
I think #FallonCarrington is on to Rishi #Sunak and his ilk.
Fallon: 'Holy cow! They're #greenwashing.'
Colby: 'You think so?'
Fallon: 'Definitely. It's the oldest trick in the Oil Royal handbook. Get everyone to look at the greenhouse you build so nobody notices the coal plant you snuck in'.
many examples, eg
#falloncarrington #sunak #greenwashing
#Greenpeace-activists have climbed on the roof of #RishiSunak's home (not #DowningStreet10) because Sunak granted new licenses for #oil and #gas in the #NorthSea.
#Aktivistit kiivenneet Sunakin kodin (ei virka-asunnon) katolle, ja kiinnittäneet sinne ison lakanan protestiksi, että #Sunak myönsi uusia lupia porata #öljy ä & kaasua Pohjanmerellä.
Sunak perheineen lomamatkalla, ei kotona
#UKpol #activism #aktivismi #ClimateCrisis #ilmastokriisi #IsoBritannia #Pohjanmeri
#greenpeace #rishisunak #downingstreet10 #oil #gas #northsea #aktivistit #sunak #oljy #ukpol #activism #aktivismi #climatecrisis #ilmastokriisi #isobritannia #pohjanmeri
Kurz vor der Eröffnung neuer Lizenzen für die Öl- und Gasförderung in der Nordsee durch den britischen Premier #Sunak gründete sein Schwiegervater ein Unternehmen, das einen Milliarden-Deal mit #BP unterzeichnete. Vetternwirtschaft auf Kosten des Klimas! https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/politics/sunaks-family-firm-signed-a-billion-dollar-deal-with-bp-before-pm-opened-new-north-sea-licences-353690/
#Greenpeace protesters drape giant oil-black fabric over #Sunak’s mansion
Activists enter grounds of Yorkshire home in protest against prime minister’s pledge to ‘max out’ UK oil and gas reserves
Jonathan Pie scoring points like a pinball machine. Ding! Ding! Ding!
I admit I haven't been following the #Sunak story (or should I say stories) closely, but wow. Some rather serious problems for the Brits. They don't seem to catch much of a break lately.
#Sunak on antanut uusia lupia porata öljyä Pohjanmerellä (#Shetlanti n lähellä, kertoi BBC).
Ja KylläKyllä pysytään #IsoBritannia n nollapäästötavoitteessa silti...
Hitto näiden kanssa.
#FossiilitAlas #öljy #Pohjanmeri #UK #ilmastokriisi #ilmastonmuutos #NytOnPakko #RishiSunak
#sunak #shetlanti #isobritannia #fossiilitalas #oljy #pohjanmeri #uk #ilmastokriisi #ilmastonmuutos #nytonpakko #rishisunak
Tories suchen Strategie: Weniger Klimaschutz - mehr Wähler?
Die Tories haben eine Erklärung für den unerwarteten Erfolg bei den jüngsten Nachwahlen im Vereinigten Königreich: Es soll am Widerstand gegen schärfere Umweltstandards gelegen haben. Könnte das eine Strategie für den nächsten Wahlkampf werden? Von C. Prössl.
The reason Farage can't get an account at the rich cunts' bank is because he hasn't got enough money to start one. Not because he's a right wing shitbag.
This is not a bank playing politics and Richy Rishi Sunak is a twat for sticking his oar in.
Why does that bellend Farage get so much fucking coverage?
#farage #sunak #coutts
Vor dem NATO-Gipfel: Bidens kurzer Abstecher nach London
Vor dem NATO-Gipfel hat US-Präsident Biden Halt in London gemacht: Mit dem britischen Premier Sunak beschwor er das "felsenfeste" Verhältnis beider Länder - trotz Differenzen beim Thema Streumunition. Biden machte auch einen Abstecher zu Schloss Windsor.
#sunak #biden #london #natogipfel
On Monday, he meets the British monarch at Windsor Castle, one of the royal residences, for the first time since Charles III's coronation.
#Biden #UK #KingCharles #Sunak #NATO
#biden #uk #kingcharles #sunak #nato
Britische Regierung muss Johnsons Chats an Covid-Kommission geben
Die britische Regierung muss zur Aufarbeitung der Corona-Pandemie persönliche Daten des Ex-Premiers weitergeben - was Johnson auch selbst befürwortet. Beobachter vermuten einen Schachzug gegen Amtsinhaber Sunak.
#johnson #großbritannien #covid19 #sunak
You can't get any meaningful statement from PM #RishiSunak on the London policing crisis, government corruption or the cost of living apocalypse that's literally killing people... but he has very strong views on cricket.
The guy is beyond parody.
#rishisunak #ukpolitics #sunak #cricket