Discovered another use for #Sunchokes, as a #Hops trellis.
#Permaculture #Gardening
#sunchokes #Hops #permaculture #gardening
#Snapdragons & #sunchokes aka #JerusalemArtichokes are back with new #growth 🌞
#Spring #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #BritishColumbia #Canada #GardenersOfMastodon #SDFgardeners #MastodonGardeners #GrowPlantsNotHate #PlantAGarden #WhatsInMyGarden #FoodGardening #EdiblePlants #GrowFood #Homegrown #SelfSufficiency #FoodSecurity #AsianMastodon #plants #perennials
#vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #britishcolumbia #canada #gardenersofmastodon #sdfgardeners #mastodongardeners #growplantsnothate #plantagarden #whatsinmygarden #foodgardening #edibleplants #growfood #homegrown #selfsufficiency #foodsecurity #asianmastodon #plants #perennials #snapdragons #sunchokes #jerusalemartichokes #growth #spring #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle
Today’s the day! Multiple people (a dozen last, I checked) are paying a non-profit real American dollars to hear me speak for an hour about sunchokes.
I know I already posted this meme, but it’s just perfect.
#sunchokes #nativeplants #gardening #masternaturalist
Adventures in #Sunchokes
I love these farty little roots, so last year I planted three tubers in the corner of one of the old raised beds. They’re related to sunflowers - tall strong stalks with big yellow flowers. But then they died back in the fall and I forgot about them (thanks a lot adhd). Turns out my three tubers multiplied exponentially!
Since they’ve sprouted, I’m pretty sure I have to bin them - they won’t be good to eat (and our oven is broken) but I dare not compost them! Maybe I can leave them out to die and then compost them.
I saved two of the biggest tubers and replanted them, in rough compost and fabric pots. I really enjoyed the flowers, even if two pots will make more sunchokes than we’d eat in a non famine year (nervous chuckle).
I’d put that bed to sleep for the winter with a thick layer of rough compost, and when I raked off the top layer I found some really lovely fine compost underneath. Loads of worms (you can stay) and pillbugs (you can get tossed over the edge and eaten by chickens). I spent a couple hours this afternoon breaking up all the soil and combing out the sunchokes and the tiny volunteer potatoes. Then I mixed in a couple gallons of perlite and admired a very fine seedbed. Needs a little more fine finished compost and it’ll be ready for greens, I think. #gardening
@dmc haha! Yes true. Pickling them pretty much stops the gale though #recipe #sunchokes #recipes
@JosephAndriano We had a light one last weekend, which I was waiting for to harvest my #sunchokes. Got half a 5 gallon bucket from six roots planted in two small raised beds. #gardening
#Garden update: harvested my #sunchokes today. 5 initial roots yielded half a 5 gallon bucket worth of tubers by the end of the season. Adding a 3rd raised bed for next year...