The last woman I ever had sex with insisted on keeping her crocs on the entire time. Finger was also a kitten still and watched the whole thing start to finish. He has never been the same since. #memories #sex #Christmas #experiences #sunday #morning #sundaymusings
#memories #sex #christmas #experiences #sunday #morning #sundaymusings
Ian's Laws of Laundro-Dynamics:
1) A t-shirt entering the wash outside-in will be removed from the wash inside-out due to the Entropic Wash Cycle.
2) A lost sock will remain lost until not more than one week after its match is discarded.
3) A fitted sheet will never equilibrate into a tightly folded square after it is removed from its original packaging.
Sunday Musings. Portrait of a woman contemplating her Sunday morning.
Art Link:
#sundaymusings #sunday #MastoArt
New Smoking Jacket. Inspired by the psychedelic 1970s and the revolutionary 1770s), this handmade collage represents a man in a smoking jacket. Handmade collage using magazines, old books, glue and imagination.
Link to Collage:
#collageart #sundaymusings #sundayart #surrealart
Youth in Red Cap. Handmade collage made from paper and watercolor, depicting a young man deep in thought.
Link to Collage:
#sundaymusings #sundayart #art #collage #watercolor
I’m so used to NOT posting or replying or really engaging at all on the bird app (except for with people I know IRL) for fear of being harassed by all the crazies (although I was never what one would call a power user) that it’s gonna take a bit for me to get used to not just reading and scrolling but actually interacting with strangers again. And using hashtags. #sundaymusings 🤔
It's perhaps an esoteric reference, but the #Federated tab is an Untempered Schism: a glimpse into eternity that's bound to drive most people insane.
#DoctorWho #TenthDoctor #TheMaster #TheSoundOfDrums #SundayMusings
#federated #doctorwho #tenthdoctor #themaster #thesoundofdrums #sundaymusings
I'm relearning how different platforms function.
Something I had enjoyed about Twitter was just sticking random thoughts out there. No images necessary. IG is less friendly for that. Mastodon doesn't have much engagement. I guess it's cross posting and finding a home.
Here's a gratuitous late morning coffee cup shit on this wonderfully slow Sunday morning. Next up? Some Coda buttons.
#sundaymusings #coffeemugs #coffee #taxodon #taxtwitter #taxseason2023loading #coda #crm #entrepreneruship #entrepeneurlife #accountinglife
#accountinglife #entrepeneurlife #entrepreneruship #crm #coda #taxseason2023loading #taxtwitter #taxodon #coffee #coffeemugs #sundaymusings
I woke up and actually remembered my #dream and what I want to know is how people in my dream can dress so stylish but here I am barely able to find a pair of pants that looks decent on me.
#dream #musings #randomthoughts #sundaymusings
Only thing getting me out of bed is hunger.
And the need for a shower....
I've been sitting here in bed, thinking of #JohnMastadon, wondering what he and #JoanMastodon are up to on this cold Sunday morning.
I'm covered in cats and am going to have to slide out of bed so as to not disturb them.
#CatsOfMastodon #sundaymusings #joanmastodon #johnmastadon
Since @newsgoth raised the topic, I'd like to keep it going. My intuition is that there are a LOT more GRC types of people out in the workforce than there are pen testers, SOC analysts, bug hunters, REs and so on.
I will say that the thing which really drew me in to security was risk. I read the book "Black Swan" before a lot of risk programs starting crowing about black swans, and it entertained me endlessly to watch companies try to enumerate and quantify their black swan risks/exposures.
I learned a ton about decision making under uncertainty, and, in particular, that most companies don't have an appetite to be diligent about it, and so we end up with the likelihood x impact heatmap nonsense that lets people press on with their preconceived notions about what risk priorities are.
I do think that a fundamental problem we have in IT is a lack of understanding about what can go wrong. We make what we think are informed decisions, but they generally are not. We lack imagination, which is why I think we need more red team consultations in the GRC field.
My dad was raised on a farm in northern Manitoba. He spoke of eating lard sandwiches for lunch during the great depression. Not ever seeing an apple until he was 12. One of his farm homilies: 'the cream will always rise to the top'. Make it so, Mastodon
#sundaymusings #icecreamsundays
A Christmas movie is only a Christmas movie if it is relevant to the story. True or False? #sundaymusings
Here are some #books that I read at an inappropriately young age, and hence did not appreciate them.
The list is incomplete and I'll probably add to it as I recollect more. But here are a few to start with.
1. Don Quixote
2. Grapes of Wrath
3. Lord of the Flies
4. Oliver Twist
5. Great Expectations
6. David Copperfield
7. A Tale of Two Cities
I'm beginning to see a pattern here! 🤔
#books #bookstodon #sundaymusings
After starting and abandoning both for some reason in 2019, I finished Márquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude last year and I've restarted Love in the Time of Cholera last week. Both as #audiobooks in #audible. I like the narrators of both books, John Lee (Solitude) and Armando Durán (Cholera).
@chenthil had talked in a @poongabook meeting about Gregory Rabassa's #translation of Solitude and Edith Grossman's of Cholera. I found Rabassa more poetic.
#books #Bookstodon #SundayMusings
#audiobooks #audible #translation #books #bookstodon #sundaymusings
Our collective obsession with #tragedy is a bit weird. The local free stuff group on FB reads like an episode of AGT. "Giving away 2 lightbulbs, bought wrong wattage" "OMG would love to be considered! After losing my home, job and all my clothes in the last 2 weeks, I've turned my life around by collecting lightbulbs for the local refugee community and teaching them to make eye glasses for local visually impaired underprivileged special needs puppies. BLESS." #sundaymusings
How has your day been? I’m watching the BBC Young Jazz Musician 2022 and the musician Ralph Porrett on stage looks like a young Paddy McAloon from Prefab Sprout.
#SundayMusings #MusicMastodon #Jazz #RalphPorrett #PrefabSprout
#prefabsprout #ralphporrett #Jazz #musicmastodon #sundaymusings