The Street Trust tabling Sunday (6/25) 11-4 at Sunday Parkways at Wellington Park, with a free #BikeCamping Clinic at 12 & 2
Also catch @bikeloudpdx Disney Hits ride of the Parkways loop from 52nd & Alberta at 11:30 and party on Going after. #Portland #pdxBikes #KidicalMassPDX #SundayParkways
#bikecamping #portland #pdxbikes #kidicalmasspdx #sundayparkways
fucking absurd #Portland #PBOT Bureau and Budget Advisory Committee meeting talking about cutting #SundayParkways and #SafeRoutesToSchool to get people's attention so ted can have his useless parking price discount. Nobody talking about cutting the service being provided to CARS, when every mile driven is a net drain on the city budget. #ClimateDenial #ZeroVision
#portland #pbot #sundayparkways #saferoutestoschool #climatedenial #zerovision
Volunteer with BikeLoudPDX for our table at this #SundayParkways event
May 7th 11am - 5pm-ish
Lincoln City Park, 13330 SE Mill
sign up for times here:
#SundayParkways is amazing but I could care less about "activating the parks" and vendors and sponsors, just get the cars off of the neighborhood streets every day. Who is sponsoring cars for the other 364.75 days?
While trying to find more bike stuff in #Portland I found #SundayParkways and I’ve gotta say… it’s a little weak. Three instances of closing off one or two streets for like 8 hours of one day once a year? Seems like it’s scaled down too much to me, blink and you’ll miss it.
Today @BugZ and I are out riding the #SundayParkways that goes near our house.
so a car door opened on me while i was riding my bike
not going to tell the whole story’s on my twitter main @sarahekite but that was a rough fall. worse than my last one. probably ok but i won’t be sure until tomorrow.
gonna go bike in a different area cuz jfc that was the worst #SundayParkways ever