For #SundayPixShop, here is a lovely looking shop I spotted in Bristol a few years back.
I apparently don’t take photos of or in shops so enjoy this hastily snapped photo of an infamously named car shop I took on the way home for #SundayPixShop #SundayPix
My contribution to #SundayPixShop is this wall of guitars at a fine local emporium in Shrewsbury (from which I have purchased several guitars and amplifiers, along with assorted other musical paraphernalia).
Cake and snack shop on Cinder Track, Robin Hoods Bay to Whitby #SundayPixShop
For #SundayPixShop, this is from Suzhou Street at the Summer Palace in Beijing - the buildings here are all "shops" where the Emperors and Empresses used to play at being normal people
For any SundayPixies who like advance warning of the #SundayPix theme, tomorrow's will be "Shop". Enjoy your shop safari if you go in search of pix this day, young warriors.