Sonnig Lektüren für Euch!
🖼️ Santiago Rusiñol (1861–1931): Senyor Quer in the Garden (1889)
#theartofreading #readerslife #SundayRead #sundayart
#theartofreading #readerslife #sundayread #sundayart
Lesen - wo auch immer.
Angenehme Sonntagslektüren für Euch!
🖼️ John George Brown (1831–1913): Reading on the Rocks, Grand Manan (ca. 1877)
#readerslife #theartofreading #SundayRead #sundayart
#readerslife #theartofreading #sundayread #sundayart
The exhibition may have just ended but it’s still a good time to take a closer look at the life and art of #BrigidBerlin, friend and superstar of #AndyWarhol.
Read my piece for The Times here:
#sundayread #brigidberlin #andywarhol
Ausschweifende Lektüren.
Einen erhellenden Lesesonntag für Euch!
🖼️ Nina Hamnett (1890-1956): Portrait of a Woman (1917)
#readerslife #sommerdeslesens #sundayart #SundayRead #artofreading
#readerslife #sommerdeslesens #sundayart #sundayread #artofreading
Wo der Wind die Seiten umblättert.
Sonnige Sonntagslektüren!
🖼️ Franz Marc (1880-1916): Lesende Frau im Grünen (1906)
#readerslife #theartofreading #SundayRead #sundayart
#readerslife #theartofreading #sundayread #sundayart
I caught up with Prof. Jill Burke about her upcoming book, How to be a #Renaissance Woman, for The Times Luxury.
#ArtHistory #BookTwitter #Beauty #WomensHistory #ArtHerstory
#sundayread #renaissance #arthistory #BookTwitter #beauty #womenshistory #artherstory
Ein verlesener Sonntag.
Traumhafte Lektüren für Euch!
🖼️ Paul Cadmus (1904-1999): Jerry (1931)
#theartofreading #readerslife #sundayart #SundayRead
#theartofreading #readerslife #sundayart #sundayread
"A potent SF depiction of humanity victimizing peaceful aliens.” Kirkus Reviews
#SundayRead #TheLenticular #SciFi
Read the first 4 chapters - Traitor's Run
#sundayread #thelenticular #scifi
"A potent SF depiction of humanity victimizing peaceful aliens.” Kirkus Reviews
#SundayRead #TheLenticular #SciFi
Read the first 4 chapters - Traitor's Run
#sundayread #thelenticular #scifi
#SundayRead #TheLenticular #SciFi
Read the first 4 chapters - Traitor's Run
#sundayread #thelenticular #scifi
#SundayRead #TheLenticular #SciFi
Read the first 4 chapters - Traitor's Run
#sundayread #thelenticular #scifi
A look back at my weekly sharings: the links that caught your attention are
🖝 The #InternetArchive's troubles are bad news for #book lovers
🖝 The End of Faking It in #SiliconValley
#internetarchive #book #siliconvalley #sunday #sundayread #mustread
"If technology got us into today's situation maybe technology can get us out"
- Don Norman
Great read for software engineers
It's #Sunday, time for me to recap my week! Here's a summary of the most notable links I shared:
#sunday #happysunday #sundayread #mustread
It's #Sunday, time for me to recap my week! Here's a summary of the most notable links I shared:
🖝 Dumb phones are on the rise in the U.S. as Gen Z limits screen #time
🖝 Evgeny Morozov: The #problem with artificial #intelligence? It’s neither artificial nor intelligent
🖝 Special #Report: #Tesla #workers shared sensitive #images recorded by customer #cars
#sunday #time #problem #intelligence #report #tesla #workers #images #cars #happysunday #sundayread #mustread
Quelques-uns des liens qui ont capté votre attention durant la semaine (en français) :
🖝 Sainte-Soline : les autorités pistent les #manifestants grâce à un produit invisible
🖝 L'urgence d'un projet écologiste, anticapitaliste et internationaliste
🖝 Somayeh Rostampour: «En #Iran, le mur de la peur est tombé»
#manifestants #iran #dimanchelecture #sundayread #alire #mustread
Lesen - das ungestrafte Laster.
Ein verlesenes Osterwochenende für Euch!
🖼️ Edmund C. Tarbell (1862 - 1938): Portrait of a Boy Reading (1913)
#readerslife #theartofreading #sundayart #SundayRead
#readerslife #theartofreading #sundayart #sundayread
Comme chaque dimanche, retour sur les liens les plus remarqués que j'ai partagés durant la semaine :
🖝 En #Europe, l’#inflation provoque une flambée des vols de #nourriture dans les magasins
🖝 #ChatGPT : l’#Italie bloque le #robot conversationnel #star de l’#intelligence artificielle
🖝 #Crise #politique en #France : quelle nouvelle Assemblée en cas de #dissolution ?
#europe #inflation #nourriture #chatgpt #italie #robot #star #intelligence #crise #politique #france #dissolution #dimanchelecture #sundayread #alire #mustread
Tagtraum mit Buch.
Erhellende Sonntagslektüren für Euch.
🖼️ Edgard Maxence (1871-1954): Reverie (1918)
#readerslife #theartofreading #sundayart #SundayRead
#readerslife #theartofreading #sundayart #sundayread