Sunday is a day for relaxing, so time to find a film to watch while I stitch. Picked up this candle at the gala yesterday. Anyone that knows me, knows I love to support small local companies, this is a relatively new business that a neighbour has started. All her candles scents are inspired by the area we live in. Got this one onto burn just now, hoping the scent stays strong.
Have a blissfully day lovely people.
#Sundays #LazyDays #Candles #RiverTay #ShopLocal #SmallBusiness
#smallbusiness #shoplocal #rivertay #candles #lazydays #sundays
Well.... infrastructure as code is all fun and games. Until someone (not me) decide to push stuff to production on a sunday. And all hell breaks loose as the new configs was not validated and tested.
Don't #deploy on #sundays people. Your on-call person just want to chill and play games. Not fix your broken shit.
#deploy #sundays #iac #devops #fail
小山薫堂 / 宇賀なつみ「日本郵便 SUNDAY’S POST」 2023.06.18
#2023.06.18 #announcer #FemaleAnnouncers #post #SUNDAY’SPOST #SUNDAYS #Vlog #アナウンサー #女性アナウンサー #宇賀なつみ #宇賀なつみ日本郵便 #小山薫堂 #日本郵便 #日本郵便SUNDAY’SPOST
#announcer #FemaleAnnouncers #post #sunday #sundays #vlog #アナウンサー #女性アナウンサー #宇賀なつみ #宇賀なつみ日本郵便 #小山薫堂 #日本郵便 #日本郵便sunday
Einen friedlichen Sonntag Abend wünsch ich euch, liebe Trötis!
A very peaceful Sunday evening to all!
#sonntagabend #sundayevening #sundays #sonntag
Morning Tooters!
#Sundays #Morning #Moin #Kangaroos #Australia #DownUnder #Winter
#sundays #morning #moin #kangaroos #australia #downunder #winter
_The Evening Post_, 13 June 1923:
The question of playing football on Sunday was again brought under the notice of the New Zealand Rugby Union’s Management Committee last evening, when the Buller Rugby Football Union repeated its previous request for a ruling whether it had the power to make Sunday fixtures. The contention of the Buller Union was that [it] … was purely a matter for local settlement…
#OnThisDay #OTD #PapersPast #NewZealand #Rugby #Sundays
#onthisday #otd #paperspast #newzealand #rugby #sundays
#Train change in #Erfurt; so here comes an update to the #organictraveller's suggestions on where to buy #organic #food and #sustainable necessities at the city's main #trainstation, even on #Sundays:
#travelguide #sustainableTourism #sundays #trainstation #sustainable #food #organic #organictraveller #erfurt #train
Dropping by to wish everyone a peaceful and relaxing day! #Sundays are a chance to refuel your soul 🧡 Biggest decision I intend to make today… should I catch #guardiansofthegalaxyvol3 or #theboogeyman 🤔 Leaning towards the latter 😁#SundayBlessings #LittleReminders
#littlereminders #SundayBlessings #theboogeyman #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 #sundays
Dropping by to wish everyone a peaceful and relaxing day! #Sundays are a chance to refuel your soul 🧡 Biggest decision I intend to make today… should I catch #guardiansofthegalaxyvol3 or #theboogeyman 🤔 Leaning towards the latter 😁#SundayBlessings #LittleReminders
#littlereminders #SundayBlessings #theboogeyman #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 #sundays
Il giornale con notizie fresche tutti i giorni
#Ecco l’elenco delle edicole aperte anche la domenica in città. Da San Mamolo a Murri, garantiscono il servizio di informazione ai lettori
The newspaper with fresh news every day
Here is the list of newsstands open on #Sundays in the city. From San Mamolo to Murri, they guarantee the information service to readers
27-5-2023 6:36 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino
Judge Dismisses F.T.C. Lawsuit Against a Location Data Broker #Sundays
Umso älter ich werde, umso mehr erschließt sich mir der Sinn hinter diesem Satz:
„Ich weiß, dass ich nichts weiß!“
#Sundays #Sokrates #Philosophy #Zitat #Philosophie #Medizin #Studentlife #Students #Education #Bildung #Zerreißprobe #History #Past #Med
#sundays #sokrates #philosophy #zitat #philosophie #Medizin #studentlife #students #education #bildung #zerreißprobe #history #past #Med
You know how it feels when you find your spark again after losing it for a good, long while? Yeah that. I’m running with it.
#sundays #sundayfunday
Happy Easter to all who celebrate!
#Holidays #Sundays #Easter #Celebrate #SpringSunday #Spring
#holidays #sundays #easter #celebrate #springsunday #spring
For colorful Spring merch, check here:
#Spring #flowers #blooms #HappyHeart #HeartSings
#Sundays #SpringSunday #PalmSunday #GiftShop #FediGiftShop #gifts
#spring #flowers #blooms #happyheart #heartsings #sundays #springsunday #palmsunday #giftshop #fedigiftshop #gifts
The first blooms of Spring make my heart sing!
#Spring #flowers #blooms #HappyHeart #HeartSings
#Sundays #SpringSunday #PalmSunday
💖🧡💛💚💙💜🤍 For colorful Spring merch, check here:
#spring #flowers #blooms #happyheart #heartsings #sundays #springsunday #palmsunday