Evren Tan · @evren
3 followers · 10 posts · Server mas.to


I have shared my top 10 plugins and themes that can revolutionize your IntelliJ IDEA experience within this week ‼️

From improving code quality to boosting productivity, these and will take your development workflow to the next level. Whether you are a pro user of or just getting started with it, these will help you write better code, faster 💻💯👍🏻


#intellijidea #themes #plugins #sundayspotlight

Last updated 2 years ago

Jerren Gan · @jerrennn
2 followers · 9 posts · Server mas.to

After spending a month overseas traveling, here are the three tips I have if you want to maximise your trip and make it a fulfilling trip:
1. understand that things only seem rosier on the other side
2. let yourself feel small
3. put yourself first
what do you guys think?

#medium #sundayspotlight #selfimprovement #fulfilment #holiday #travel

Last updated 2 years ago

Evren Tan · @evren
3 followers · 9 posts · Server mas.to


This week's is about Factory Method Design Pattern and how to implement it in .

It is a creational design pattern that states defining an interface or an abstract class for creating an object and let the sub-classes decide which class to instantiate.


#softwarearchitecture #factorymethoddesignpattern #designpatterns #softwaredevelopment #java #sundayspotlight

Last updated 2 years ago