The only safe way to check out the Valencia center bike lane (during #SundayStreets). I’m shocked by how low the raised curb is.
The center bikeway is actually working great on a #carFree #ValenciaStreet. It’s a bad idea to have center bike lanes on a highway, but an excellent idea on a promenade. #SundayStreets
#carfree #ValenciaStreet #sundaystreets
Today is #SundayStreets in the Mission! Come see what a #carFree #ValenciaStreet could be like from 11 to 4.
#sundaystreets #carfree #ValenciaStreet
So, on a lighter note: this weekend for #SundayStreets here in #SanFrancisco over on Valencia, my sis's whaleboat rowing group (really!) the #EmbarcaderoRowingClub will have a booth. That's her in the photo, that's the flag she designed and yes, that's an #OurFlagMeansDeath riff. Swing by if you can! @inlucesco and @skinnylatte I don't know if this is either of your things, but you might know folks who are up for it!
#sundaystreets #sanfrancisco #embarcaderorowingclub #ourflagmeansdeath
Viva Calle San Jose
SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 2023
10 A.M. - 3 P.M.
#OpenStreets #sundaystreets #ciclovia
@cedar kinda bummed there no more #sundaystreets for 2022 since I just treated myself to a new bike 🤠I’m here for it