Sundry Sunday: Doobus Goobus Doesn’t Care for Freddy Fazbear
...and neither do I.
By the way, I made this post while sitting in Peachtree Center in Atlanta the Wednesday before DragonCon 2023! Hello! These posts will probably be somewhat
#indies #niche #sundaysundry #doobusgoobus #fivenightsatfreddys #freddyfazbear #sunday #sundrysunday #video #youtube
#indies #niche #sundaysundry #doobusgoobus #fivenightsatfreddys #freddyfazbear #sunday #sundrysunday #video #youtube
Sundry Sunday: The Groovy Long Legs Experience
In the year + one half we've been doing this, we've dug up a lot of varied things for Sundays. This one's pretty short, but still, the fact they made it in stop motion is respectable. (At least I assume it's stop motion. They could have made it in a computer I guess, but
#niche #sundaysundry #animation #groovylonglegs #pikmin #stopmotion #sunday #sundrysunday #video #youtube
#niche #sundaysundry #animation #groovylonglegs #pikmin #stopmotion #sunday #sundrysunday #video #youtube
Sundry Sunday: Olimar is Tired
From Youtube channel matt + megs, a one-minute cartoon about the end-of-daily lives of Olimar and the Pikmin. It's adorable. See see:
Olimar is Tired (Youtube, one minute)
#sundaysundry #animation #cartoon #mattmegs #nintendo #olimar #pikmin #sundrysunday #video #youtube
#sundaysundry #animation #cartoon #mattmegs #nintendo #olimar #pikmin #sundrysunday #video #youtube
Sundry Sunday: Game Stuff From Internet Funeral
Internet Funeral was (is) a subreddit dedicated to surreal images with text within them. Reddit is currently in a Muskian implosion, but fortunately has its own version of Internet Funeral, which is where these images come from.
Luigi and Peach get existential:
#niche #sundaysundry #images #internetfuneral #lemmy #lemmyworld #niche #sundrysunday #surrealism
#niche #sundaysundry #images #internetfuneral #lemmy #lemmyworld #sundrysunday #surrealism
Sundry Sunday: Hour-long Youtube Videos of Silence With Various Noises
Sometimes on Sunday we find very old things that survive down to us through years. But sometimes we find some fairly new memes, and this is one of those.
#niche #sundaysundry #angrybirds #duck #legostarwars #mario #megalovania #meme #minecraft #niche #quack #sans #sundaysundry #thwomp #undertale #video #waluigi #yoda #youtube
#niche #sundaysundry #angrybirds #duck #legostarwars #mario #megalovania #meme #minecraft #quack #SANS #thwomp #undertale #video #waluigi #yoda #youtube
Sundry Sunday: Brooklyn Nine-Nine, But It’s Sonic
A while back we posted Community, But Sonic, a fun little Youtoon from frequent Sundry Sunday appearator Pringus McDingus, of Sonic characters animated to audio from Community.
Along those same lines, here's an animated storyboard of Sonic characters aniedited to fit
#sundaysundry #animation #brooklynninenine #doigandswift #sega #sonic #sundrysunday #video #youtube
#sundaysundry #animation #brooklynninenine #doigandswift #sega #sonic #sundrysunday #video #youtube
Sundry Sunday: Chaotix Neighbors
I'll admit it, there's this cable that goes into my brain directly from Youtube, and I use it to cut the number of game-related things I have to post daily on this site by a full seventh. I know you all suspected it, I'm just confirmin' it. I'm like a ver
#niche #retro #sundaysundry #animation #chaotix #charmy #doobusgoobus #espio #flash #knuckles #profanity #sonic #sundrysunday #vector #video #youtube
#niche #retro #sundaysundry #animation #chaotix #charmy #doobusgoobus #espio #flash #knuckles #profanity #sonic #sundrysunday #vector #video #youtube
Sundry Sunday: Link Dies
This one is really short. It's a capture from a mod of Tears of the Kingdom that changes many game messages.
#sundaysundry #mod #oops #profanity #sundrysunday #tearsofthekingdom #video #youtube #zelda
#sundaysundry #mod #oops #profanity #sundrysunday #tearsofthekingdom #video #youtube #zelda
4th of July Extra: Cabel Sasser’s Firework Package Posts
I wracked my brain trying to come up with something fun to post for the annual United States Pet Frightening Day. I came up with this. I'm tagging this sundrysunday, even though it's Tuesday, because that's my tag for all the borderline r
#sundaysundry #alien #brothers #cabel #cabelsasser #fireworks #holiday #july4th #sundrasunday #sundry #unitedstates
#sundaysundry #alien #brothers #cabel #cabelsasser #fireworks #holiday #july4th #sundrasunday #sundry #unitedstates
Sundry Sunday: Friends Don’t Let Friends Touch Strange Powerups
Pringus McDingus again. Maybe a little explanation of this one would be to the benefit of those who aren't so extremely online.
Sigil of madness
Super Mario Wonder is one of the games that was an
#sundaysundry #animation #daisy #devianart #elephant #mario #peach #powerup #pringusmgdingus #sundrysunday #supermariowonder #video #youtube
#youtube #video #supermariowonder #sundrysunday #pringusmgdingus #powerup #peach #mario #elephant #devianart #daisy #animation #sundaysundry
Sundry Sunday: Kirby Animations with Aqua Teen Hunger Force Audio
Painter Seap has done a number of very short Kirby cartoons that use the sound from bits of Aqua Teen Hunger Force as the soundtrack. It's surprising how natural Master Shake's voice seems coming from out
#niche #sundaysundry #aquateenhungerforce #hal #kingdedede #kirby #mastershake #metaknight #painterseap #sundrysunday #video #youtube
#youtube #video #sundrysunday #painterseap #metaknight #mastershake #kirby #kingdedede #hal #aquateenhungerforce #sundaysundry #niche
Found on this site (where you should watch it for the full effect). Here's just the video:
#niche #sundaysundry #sundaysundry #sundrysunday #tunnelsnakesrule #video #youtube
#youtube #video #tunnelsnakesrule #sundrysunday #sundaysundry #niche
Sundry Sunday: The Precog Trio
In memory of Blaseball, that awesome star that burned brightly for less than three years, it seems like so much longer. An animatic from the time of its height, about players seeing the future and choosing to get incinerated by the Rogue Umpires so they could come back to play against and bea
#indies #niche #sundaysundry #animatic #blaseball #gameband #indie #niche #precogtrio #sundrysunday #video #youtube
#youtube #video #sundrysunday #precogtrio #indie #gameband #blaseball #animatic #sundaysundry #niche #indies
Sundry Sunday: Eggpo #1, “New Job”
A few years ago the Homestar Runner guys got a sweet gig for a while making content for Disney. I think some of it was broadcast on Actual Television, but all of it, I think, is currently on Youtube, minus one video that seems like it was taken down for some reason. (I don't know which one
#sundaysundry #animation #brotherschaps #disney #eggpo #flash #homestarrunner #sundrysunday #twomoreeggs #video #youtube
#youtube #video #twomoreeggs #sundrysunday #homestarrunner #flash #eggpo #disney #brotherschaps #animation #sundaysundry
Sundry Sunday: Zelda Animation Roundup
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has been out for a week now and the internet is still abuzz about it. (Can't you hear it? The incessant buzzing?)
Recently I had the opportunity to do a roundup of a number of Zelda fan animation videos. A few of th
#niche #animation #beedle #link #pringusmcdingus #somethingabout #sundaysundry #sundrysunday #terminalmontage #video #youtube #zelda
#zelda #youtube #video #terminalmontage #sundrysunday #sundaysundry #somethingabout #pringusmcdingus #link #beedle #animation #niche
Sundry Sunday: Major Death Cutscenes From Lego Star Wars
The Lego Star Wars games (in fact, almost all of the Lego video properties) are very funny, even though they're not all made by the came people. The games are made by Traveler's Tales, the movies by Warner Animation, and the made-for-video productions by at least one sepa
#sundaysundry #cutscenes #funny #humor #lego #starwars #sundrysunday #video #youtube
#youtube #video #sundrysunday #starwars #lego #humor #funny #cutscenes #sundaysundry
Sundry Sunday: The Ballad of Mike Haggar
It's 11 years old now but still as ringing and fun as when it was new. If you've never before encountered the video tale of the afterlife journey of the shirtless mayor of Metro City from Final Fight, here you go! If you have seen it before then why not have a second look?
#retro #sundaysundry #capcom #finalfight #hortyort #mikehaggar #retro #sundrysunday #video #youtube
#youtube #video #sundrysunday #mikehaggar #hortyort #finalfight #capcom #sundaysundry #retro
Sundry Sunday: Super Mario Bros. Played with Live Instruments, Again
Playing the Super Mario Bros. theme live with a variety of instruments has been an internet video staple for a couple decades now. Here it is with accordion and a harp-like instrument called a bandura:
#retro #sundaysundry #accordion #bandura #mario #mastodon #music #nintendo #retro #sundrysunday #video #youtube
#youtube #video #sundrysunday #nintendo #music #mastodon #mario #bandura #accordion #sundaysundry #retro
Sundry Sunday: Community, But Sonic
Pringus McDingus brings us another well-animated bit, this time with Sonic characters instead of the usual Mario characters, animated to sound clips from Community. It's fun!
#sundaysundry #animation #community #pringusmcdingus #sonic #sundaysundry #video #youtube
#youtube #video #sonic #pringusmcdingus #community #animation #sundaysundry
Sundry Sunday: Katamari Damacy at the Beach
It is a very minor and short video for you today, but it should be one to bring smiles to the faces of those who know.
#sundaysundry #katamari #katamaridamacy #sunday #sundrysunday #video #youtube
#youtube #video #sundrysunday #sunday #katamaridamacy #katamari #sundaysundry