So sorry #SundayTimes, forgive me for not wishing to take ethics lessons from your morally bankrupt and indelibly tainted organisation.
Wow #sundaytimes actually pay Rod Liddle for recycling Lez Dawson and Bob Monkhouse jokes. I checked the date of the paper, just to be certain I hadn’t woken up in 1975. #gtto
In der heutigen Sunday Times gibt's einen Artikel über die große Nachfrage nach Nachtzügen als Alternative zu Billigflügen. Dazu zitiert die Zeitung u.a. @sebwilken ...
(Falls die Paywall das Lesen verhindern sollte, sucht ihr die URL z.B. auf
#Nachtzug #Nightjet #Billigflug #SundayTimes #Bahnbubble
#Nachtzug #nightjet #billigflug #sundaytimes #BahnBubble
Lunchtime #BBC news mobilised the #health editor of the #SundayTimes to discuss the #JuniorDoctors strike leading to loss of life...
I would hope that the BBC listeners would see behind this to the real fact that 12 years of #Tory defunding has been the real cause of loss of life, not the latterly attempt by junior doctors to force some better workforce planning (by paying hardworking doctors a reasonable wage)...
But this week they'll be a lot of this sort of nonsense from the beeb I'm sure!
#bbc #health #sundaytimes #juniordoctors #tory
Finally the Main Stream Media (MSM), in this case #SundayTimes, has woken up to the wholesale Russian abduction & removal of Ukrainian children. Listening to a #TimesRadio interview with the journalist.
Tens of thousands of children, possibly more, just taken by the Russians and dispersed into Russia. A flat out war crime. I’m bewildered by how long it has taken the MSM to really ‘notice’
#RussianWarCrimes #ukrainianchildren #ukraine #TimesRadio #sundaytimes
#Frome Town unanimously have no confidence in it's MP David Warburton who hasn't voted in parli. > 10 months.
April'22-allegations of #drug-taking & #sexual misconduct.
Parli. #Watchdog found him guilty of failing to register a 6-figure #Russian bankers loan.
#SundayTimes 12Feb.'23 allegations: Falsifying a doc. supporting a 7-figure #loan app./£25k undeclared donation. Concealing #property Co interests & using his position to lobby on property issues.
#property #loan #sundaytimes #russian #Watchdog #sexual #drug #frome
From today's #SundayTimes the Govt are set to announce money to boost the number of ambulances on the road to reduce waits alongside expanding workforce roles and community nursing. But where is the workforce plan?
I finally understand the governments policy on the NHS.
The 40 "new" hospitals.
The hundreds of new ambulances.
But absolutely no thought on workforce?
Someone's been watching Field of Dreams...
From today's #SundayTimes the Govt are set to announce money to boost the number of ambulances on the road to reduce waits alongside expanding workforce roles and community nursing. But where is the workforce plan?
#econtalk, with psuedo intellectual #russroberts is a great insight into how right wing econonic theory morphs into being an apologist for weird right-wing causes. The latest episode about the Elgin Marbles is a great example, #tiffanyjenkins a formerly left-leaning now red pilled "sociologist" provides a sociological reasoning for why things looted by the British should not be returned. Because they have a "British identity" because the British stole them. #sundaytimes #stooges
#econtalk #russroberts #tiffanyjenkins #sundaytimes #stooges
@EggKnees BTW, here's the online link to that #SundayTimes article you mentioned re: fiction & 'cancel culture'...
@anneeroper It's a shame you missed out. There is a fascinating piece by Rosamund Urwin in the Culture supplement of the #SundayTimes about #writers struggling to get anything published if they haven't any "lived experience". It is stifling imaginative #fiction in a way that has a serious chilling effect.
A #publisher will not risk the cost of any backlash over sensitivity issues: Thank you but since you have never been kidnapped and forced to work as a poet... Tough!
#sundaytimes #writers #fiction #publisher #bookstodon #writing
BTW, the #SundayTimes #Ireland edition usually available in #Dublin shops doesn't include the three magazines today. Shops say there was a printing issue. But @TheTimes are still charging the same, so I chose another paper...
Wie kam es eigentlich dazu, dass Katar Gastgeberland der #Fußball-#WM2022 wurde? Glaubt man der #SundayTimes, lautet die Antwort #Korruption und #Fake-Propaganda. 🧵 (1/8)
#fußball #WM2022 #sundaytimes #korruption #fake
Panicking, desperate and cruel. No amount of rhetoric about migrants will make voters forget that they can't afford to put the heating on, that their high street is full of empty shops, and their wages are stagnant.
Sunday Times: Panicking Tories plan tough new laws on asylum #TomorrowsPapersToday #SundayTimes #TheTimes #Times
#TomorrowsPapersToday #sundaytimes #thetimes #times
Can be a sensitive subject for some but this really would make a great Xmas gift for anyone you think might need a little help & guidance 📚
It’s not been in the top 10 bestseller for 10 weeks for nothing!
Can’t recommend it highly enough ♥️
#menopausing #sundaytimes
RT @ThisisDavina
Absolutely blown away 🤗 10 weeks in top 10 !!!
NEW/old outtake of Robert Pattinson photo shoot for Sunday Times 2019 by Daniel Weiss.
#RobertPattinson #photography #actor #malemodel #sundaytimes
#sundaytimes #malemodel #actor #photography #RobertPattinson
Shimoni scrive che in nessun caso Vanunu dovrebbe essere autorizzato a lasciare #Israel e che tutte le restrizioni impostegli, leggermente allentate nel corso degli anni, dovrebbero rimanere in vigore, al fine di salvaguardare la sicurezza nazionale. Restrizioni, imposte immediatamente al suo rilascio dal carcere nel 2004 dopo aver scontato una condanna a 16 anni.
Vanunu, ex tecnico del reattore nucleare di #Dimona, è stato condannato per gravi reati di sicurezza nazionale dopo aver fornito informazioni sul suo lavoro al quotidiano britannico #SundayTimes nel 1986.
Sulla base di queste informazioni, il giornale concluse che #Israele possedesse una scorta di sofisticati armi nucleari che includevano bombe a idrogeno e a neutroni. ⬇4
#israele #sundaytimes #Dimona #israel