This week, we're going to test the proportion that #CorporationTax rates have a material effect on incoming investment... as rate rises from 19%-25%.
However, all is not as it may seem; #JeremyHunt has also launched 100% #taxrelief on capital investment, which may offer some help to #manufacturing whose CapEx needs are (likely) more pronounced than the #servicesector. whether the tax rise causes any exits from the UK by large mobile firms, or whether #sunkcosts will keep them here anyway?
#corporationtax #jeremyhunt #taxrelief #manufacturing #servicesector #sunkcosts
Guten Morgen - Tässle Kaffee ☕️?
Die Psychologie von digital-dualistischen Verschwörungssekten: Der Telegram-Influencer Danny Lemoi nahm jahrelang das Pferde-Medikament Ivermectin. Während der Covid19-Pandemie schlossen sich seiner Telegram-Gruppe Abertausende Impfgegner an. Auch nach seinem „plötzlichen Tod“ schaffen nun viele trotz übler Symptome den Ausstieg nicht, klammern sich an sog. Versunkene Kosten… #Verschwörungssekten #Lemoi #Ivermectin #SunkCosts #Psychologie
#verschworungssekten #lemoi #ivermectin #sunkcosts #psychologie
26. Februar 2223
„Wer hätte vor 200 Jahren gedacht, dass wir einmal Offshore-Windparks mitten in Norddeutschland bauen.“
„Na ja, ziemlich viele. Der UN-Generalsekretär, das IPCC und alle Klimawissenschafter:innen, alle Umwelt-Aktivist:innen und die Grünen.“
„Und wie hat die Politik reagiert?“
„Es gab Parteien, die Autobahnen und Atomkraftwerke bauen wollten. Heute sind das versenkte Investitionen.“
#ineinerklimaneutralenWelt #sunkcosts #sunkinvestments
If Leah is on an instance that is failing to moderate well, and that instance is defederated by some other instances, Leah might be inclined to migrate, which is how the social pressure of defederation is supposed to work, I think. But if migration means losing all her posts, she may be hesitant to do so! Is it technically feasible to include posts in the migration tools? It would be nice to save bystanders from being harmed in this way! #migration #defederation #SunkCosts #CollectivePunishment
#collectivepunishment #sunkcosts #defederation #migration