My #ShittyCameraChallenge with Sokol 2 finished yesterday with shitty result. After exposing a few pictures, I suspected that the film advance was faulty. And it was. The first five frames are irregularly spaced, followed with partially overlaped and the 15th frame contains the rest - 21 multiexposures. In addition the rangefinder is not properly alligned. I had to use #sunny16rule so I applied #SemiStandDevelopment for the first time. #Fomapan 200 developed with #rodinal 1:100 for one hour
#shittycamerachallenge #sunny16rule #semistanddevelopment #fomapan #rodinal
After the first pictures, I found out that the rangefinder is also damaged. So, in addition to the #sunny16rule, I have to use #f8AndBeThere
#sunny16rule #f8andbethere #shittycamerachallenge
I’ve just borrowed this Sokol 2 camera from my father-in-low today. Made in USSR in ‘80 by Ломо. The light meter doesn’t work (even with fresh battery), but the rest looks functional. So, #fomapan200 loaded, #sunny16rule set up and I’m ready to join #ShittyCameraChallenge 😉
#fomapan200 #sunny16rule #shittycamerachallenge