The #SunnyV2 video framing #MrBeast friend Chris' transition as a "Nightmare" for his channel is absolutely disgusting. It's a shame to see a respected YouTuber make such an awful, transphobic video.
I have a lot of problems with how MrBeast exploits people's misfortune to make money, but I'm very proud of him for standing up for his #transgender friend so publicly and denounce transphobia.
#sunnyv2 #mrbeast #transgender
Sunday Discussion: How Planet Fitness Became Hated By The World
Welcome to the Sunday Discussion segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Sunday Discussion will feature a serious topic that needs to be featured and talked abou
#DiscussionTalkStuff #Discussion #HowPlanetFitnessBecameHatedByTheWorld #Newsworthy #PlanetFitness #SundayDiscussion #SunnyV2 #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #discussion #howplanetfitnessbecamehatedbytheworld #newsworthy #planetfitness #sundaydiscussion #sunnyv2 #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #youtube
The Evening Post: Pizza Hut Hasn’t Been Doing So Well
Pizza Hut certainly isn't what it used to be. Despite once being the world's leading pizza chain, the days of going for a Dine In meal with the family on a Friday night have slowly been replaced with Uber Eats and Domino's delivery. As a result, Pizza Hut hasn't bee
#TheEveningPostStuff #PizzaHut #PizzaHutHasn’tBeenDoingSoWell #SunnyV2 #YouTube
#theeveningpoststuff #pizzahut #pizzahuthasn #sunnyv2 #youtube