Another experiment in composition with gull feathers.
This one is on a large (60 x 50cm) piece of fabulous Arches paper.
Unfortunately, it's hard to capture the richness of the blue, or the texture the paper gives. It's by far the most satisfying depth of colour... the feathers are floating either in a deep sea or in the perfect sky.
#cyanotype #blueprint #feathers #seagull #deepblue #deepbluesea #perfectsky #porto #PortoArtist #ArtisticProcess #ideas #gullfeathers #sunprint
#cyanotype #blueprint #feathers #seagull #deepblue #deepbluesea #perfectsky #porto #portoartist #artisticprocess #ideas #gullfeathers #sunprint
This is 'crumple' origami. Used a lot by French origamists 'Le CRIMP'.
Thin, crisp paper (here tracing paper) is folded and then crushed. The process allows the paper to be shaped into flexible, organic forms.
This paper was coated in cyanotype. The form I made was exposed in the sun for 10 minutes, and developed.
If I hadn't put my fingers through the wet paper it would be good!
#cyanotype #origami #blueprint #metamorphogram #sunprint #ArtFail #doh #crumpleform #CrumpledPaper #LeCrimp
#cyanotype #origami #blueprint #metamorphogram #sunprint #artfail #doh #crumpleform #crumpledpaper #lecrimp
This one of a kind cyanotype with tumeric sun print on water colour paper 11" x 14" has an image of virginia creeper leaves.
An anthotype is a sun print made with light-sensitive pigments. I painted pigment from tumeric directly onto water colour paper and then also treated it with photochemicals.
#alternativePhotography #cyanotype #anthotype #tumeric #sunPrint #printmaking #VirginiaCreeper #BotanicalArt #MastoArt
#alternativephotography #cyanotype #anthotype #tumeric #sunprint #printmaking #virginiacreeper #botanicalart #mastoart
When coating with cyanotype there are often brush-marked edges I choose to remove.
Today I'm using these edge strips, from watercolour paper, to make a composite background.
I'm then using multiple layers of tissue paper edges to make an abstract 'paper negative'.
This is all held in a contact frame to expose for several days. Maybe a week.
#cyanotype #blueprint #sunprint #memory #philosophy #abstract #collage #LongExposure #ContactPrint #ContactFrame #TissuePaper
#cyanotype #blueprint #sunprint #memory #philosophy #abstract #collage #longexposure #contactprint #contactframe #tissuepaper
More experiments with wet cyanotype! I want more active chemistry than more first attempt so I threw more at it.
I used things I had on hand. Instead of straight water I used lilac dye. I used some vinegar, salt, paprika and coffee grounds. Also I am using some finely sliced lemon both as objects to be imaged and a source of moisture and acid to start developing the photo chemicals during exposure.
#cyanotype #printmaking #wetCyanotype #MastoArt #botanicalArt #sunPrint #wip
#cyanotype #printmaking #wetcyanotype #mastoart #botanicalart #sunprint #wip
Apprenez à faire des cyanotypes: c'est facile, pas cher, amusant, créatif, et ça peut se faire avec des enfants. Ce dimanche 28 Mai de 14-17h au Labo Diva je vous apprends à faire des cyanotypes. Au programme de l'après-midi:
- un petit historique de ce procédé photographique
- une démonstration de A à Z (ou presque) de la production d'une des mes images cyanotypée
- une activité photogramme qui vous permettra de créer votre propre oeuvre d'art (en utilisant des feuilles, tiges, herbes et autres plantes pour créer des silhouettes blanches et bleues.)
- vous pourrez me poser toutes les questions que vous souhaitez sur le procédé.
Une participation aux frais de 10 EUR sera demandée. L'inscription préalable est obligatoire soit via Facebook, Instagram ou sur place au Labo Diva (en journée jusqu'à Vendredi).
#cyanotype #alternativeprocess
#experimentalphotography #photography #art
#alternativephotography #blueprint #blue #photoart #analogphotography #sunprint #alternativeprinting #worldcyanoday
#filmfeed #lonelyanalog #filmismorefun #thefilmcommunity #filmwave #back2thebase #deathb4digital #analogfeatures
#bergger #cot320
#multipleexposure #doubleexposure #doubleexposures #doubleexpomagazine #doubleexposurefilm #2xfilm
#doubleexposure35 #2xfilm #doubleexposurefilm #doubleexpomagazine #doubleexposures #doubleexposure #multipleexposure #cot320 #bergger #analogfeatures #deathb4digital #back2thebase #filmwave #thefilmcommunity #filmismorefun #lonelyanalog #filmfeed #worldcyanoday #alternativeprinting #sunprint #analogphotography #photoart #blue #blueprint #alternativephotography #art #photography #experimentalphotography #AlternativeProcess #cyanotype
Lemon balm leaves, wet cyanotype on watercolour paper, 11” x 14”
First experiment with wet cyanotype with water and vinegar added to photochemicals to begin developing while exposing. I think I need to do more and aim for more dramatic effects but I like this first try.
#cyanotype #printmaking #wetCyanotype #lemonBalm #botanicalArt #sunPrint #cyanotypeProcess #MastoArt
#cyanotype #printmaking #wetcyanotype #lemonbalm #botanicalart #sunprint #cyanotypeprocess #mastoart
To european cyanotypists...
Where are you buying your chemicals?
I can't find anywhere selling anything except Jacquard versions, which are small quantities and quite expensive. Are there alternatives?
Thank you!
@neon_livide @lokigwyn @tomaszsusul
#cyanotype #blueprint #cameraless #CameralessPhotography #chemicals #alternativeprocess #ferricammoniumcitrate #potassiumferricyanide #european #sunprint
#cyanotype #blueprint #cameraless #cameralessphotography #chemicals #AlternativeProcess #ferricammoniumcitrate #potassiumferricyanide #european #sunprint
When Love Breaks Down.
Sibling image to 'Absence Makes The Heart Lose Weight (Yeah)'
Exposed for about a week in late summer.
I used a custom-made contact frame of 70 x 50 cm to hold everything in place for so long.
Even after a week, some leaves have let no UV light through.
Title from a Prefab Sprout song.
#cyanotype #blueprint #leaves #HeartShape #WhenLoveBreaksDown #PrefabSprout #LongExposure #ContactPrint #AbsenceMakesTheHeartLoseWeight #Sunprint #Spiky
#cyanotype #blueprint #Leaves #heartshape #whenlovebreaksdown #prefabsprout #longexposure #contactprint #absencemakestheheartloseweight #sunprint #spiky
Years ago I "sunprinted" a silk scarf with SolarFast, a sundeveloping color. It was a cool experiment. After printing I dyed it with some tie dye colors.
Now it beautyfies the neck of one of my besties ;D
#vintage #textileprint #solarfast #sunprint #MastoArt
Working on some cyanotype greeting cards but not satisfied with the paper at the moment.
#CyanoPrint #Cyanotype #SunPrinting #SunPrint #FloralCyanotype #ArtOnMastodon #ArtistsOnMastodon #ArtOnMasto #MastodonArt #MastoArt #Art #CyanotypeArt #AdventCalendar #Advent #MyArt #FloralCyanotype #CyanoMasto
#cyanoprint #cyanotype #sunprinting #sunprint #floralcyanotype #artonmastodon #artistsonmastodon #artonmasto #mastodonart #MastoArt #art #cyanotypeart #adventcalendar #advent #myart #cyanomasto
Day 23 of #ArtAdventCalendar
More weeds, more cyanotype prints. Even though it's just the end of December and thus in the middle of winter, I'm already looking forward to spring when everything will sprout once again outside, flowers as well as "weeds" and I'll get new inspiration for cyanoprints.
#CyanoPrint #Cyanotype #SunPrinting #SunPrint #FloralCyanotype #ArtOnMastodon #ArtistsOnMastodon #ArtOnMasto #MastodonArt #MastoArt #Art #CyanotypeArt #AdventCalendar #Advent #MyArt #CyanoMasto
#artadventcalendar #cyanoprint #cyanotype #sunprinting #sunprint #floralcyanotype #artonmastodon #artistsonmastodon #artonmasto #mastodonart #MastoArt #art #cyanotypeart #adventcalendar #advent #myart #cyanomasto
Day 21 of #ArtAdventCalendar
Another cyanotype with small spring flowers I picked up during a trail run. Salt and vinegar did the rest to make this small piece most interesting.
#CyanoPrint #Cyanotype #SunPrinting #SunPrint #FloralCyanotype #ArtOnMastodon #ArtistsOnMastodon #ArtOnMasto #MastodonArt #MastoArt #Art #CyanotypeArt #AdventCalendar #Advent #MyArt
#artadventcalendar #cyanoprint #cyanotype #sunprinting #sunprint #floralcyanotype #artonmastodon #artistsonmastodon #artonmasto #mastodonart #MastoArt #art #cyanotypeart #adventcalendar #advent #myart
Day 19 of #ArtAdventCalendar
The closer we get to Christmas the warmer it get’s outside. Thinking of spring time and of these little flowers I found in my garden. I don’t know their name but their multiple tiny blossoms have a nice color, something between blue and purple.
#CyanoPrint #Cyanotypie #SunPrinting #SunPrint #FloralCyanotype #ArtOnMastodon #ArtistsOnMastodon #ArtOnMasto #MastodonArt #MastoArt #Art #CyanotypeArt #AdventCalendar #Advent #MyArt #FloralCyanotype #SpringFlowers
#artadventcalendar #cyanoprint #cyanotypie #sunprinting #sunprint #floralcyanotype #artonmastodon #artistsonmastodon #artonmasto #mastodonart #MastoArt #art #cyanotypeart #adventcalendar #advent #myart #springflowers
Day 17 of #ArtAdventCalendar
This cyanotype is one year old. I collected the dried flowers during a cold trail run on the sunny sides of the Rhône Valley. Even if it’s not perfekt I like the tiny details of the dry seeds.
#CyanoPrint #Cyanotypie #SunPrinting #SunPrint #FloralCyanotype #ArtOnMastodon #ArtistsOnMastodon #ArtOnMasto #MastodonArt #MastoArt #Art #CyanotypeArt #AdventCalendar #Advent #MyArt #FloralCyanotype
#artadventcalendar #cyanoprint #cyanotypie #sunprinting #sunprint #floralcyanotype #artonmastodon #artistsonmastodon #artonmasto #mastodonart #MastoArt #art #cyanotypeart #adventcalendar #advent #myart
Day 16 of #ArtAdventCalendar
Daisies are in nearly every garden and don’t get much attention. But in the right spot they just look amazing. 😊🤍
#CyanoPrint #Cyanotypie #SunPrinting #SunPrint #FloralCyanotype #ArtOnMastodon #ArtistsOnMastodon #ArtOnMasto #MastodonArt #MastoArt #Art #CyanotypeArt #AdventCalendar #Advent #MyArt #FloralCyanotype
#artadventcalendar #cyanoprint #cyanotypie #sunprinting #sunprint #floralcyanotype #artonmastodon #artistsonmastodon #artonmasto #mastodonart #MastoArt #art #cyanotypeart #adventcalendar #advent #myart
Day 13 of #ArtAdventCalendar
This is some weed from my garden I picked up last summer. I pressed it and used it for this cyan print. I am always fascinated about the details we miss to see in our daily life because we do not pay attention to these litte „unimportant“ things like garden weeds.
#CyanoPrint #Cyanotypie #SunPrinting #SunPrint #FloralCyanotype #ArtOnMastodon #ArtistsOnMastodon #ArtOnMasto #MastodonArt #MastoArt #Art #CyanotypeArt #AdventCalendar #LittleThings #TinyWorld #Flowers
#artadventcalendar #cyanoprint #cyanotypie #sunprinting #sunprint #floralcyanotype #artonmastodon #artistsonmastodon #artonmasto #mastodonart #MastoArt #art #cyanotypeart #adventcalendar #littlethings #tinyworld #flowers
Day 10 of #ArtAdventCalendar
Cannot remember the name of this beautiful flower but as the whole garden is currently covered with snow I am looking forward to the days in spring when they get back to the surface again and some time late show their beautiful blossoms.
#CyanoPrint #Cyanotypie #SunPrinting #SunPrint #FloralCyanotype #ArtOnMastodon #ArtistsOnMastodon #ArtOnMasto #MastodonArt #MastoArt #Art #CyanotypeArt #AdventCalendar #Advent #MyArt #FloralCyanotype
#artadventcalendar #cyanoprint #cyanotypie #sunprinting #sunprint #floralcyanotype #artonmastodon #artistsonmastodon #artonmasto #mastodonart #MastoArt #art #cyanotypeart #adventcalendar #advent #myart
Day 9 of #ArtAdventCalendar
I’ve definitely done more #CyanotypeArt during spring and summer. After last winter I couldn’t wait to pick up and press some spring flowers like these tiny ones. I think it was Anemone nemorosa but I am not 100% sure anymore. Anyway, as a #CyanoPrint they do look quite lovely.
#Cyanotypie #SunPrinting #SunPrint #FloralCyanotype #ArtOnMastodon #ArtistsOnMastodon #ArtOnMasto #MastodonArt #MastoArt #Art #Cyanotype #AdventCalendar #Advent #MyArt #FloralCyanotype
#artadventcalendar #cyanotypeart #cyanoprint #cyanotypie #sunprinting #sunprint #floralcyanotype #artonmastodon #artistsonmastodon #artonmasto #mastodonart #MastoArt #art #cyanotype #adventcalendar #advent #myart
Day 5 of #ArtAdventCalendar.
Back to sharing another #Cyanotype print. A bit blurred at the left edge. But to the rest of the detailed sheet also a welcome contrast. The overlapping parts of the sheet are what make it so interesting. Borderless prints are always a challenge to handle.
#CyanoPrint #Cyanotypie #SunPrinting #SunPrint #FloralCyanotype #ArtOnMastodon #ArtistsOnMastodon #ArtOnMasto #MastodonArt #MastoArt #Art #CyanotypeArt #AdventCalendar #Advent #MyArt
#artadventcalendar #cyanotype #cyanoprint #cyanotypie #sunprinting #sunprint #floralcyanotype #artonmastodon #artistsonmastodon #artonmasto #mastodonart #MastoArt #art #cyanotypeart #adventcalendar #advent #myart