All that we see or seem
Is just a dream within a dream.
-- Edgar Allen Poe
#DhammaIsWhereYouFindIt #Impermanence #anicca #emptiness #sunyata #woot
#woot #sunyata #emptiness #anicca #impermanence #dhammaiswhereyoufindit
It is true
the wind blows terribly here
but moonlight
also leaks between the roof planks
of this ruined house.
~ Lady Izumi Shikibu
Heart Sutra musical chant.
#sunyata #emptiness #musicmonday #buddhism
Hey all y'all Mastodoners! I've very much enjoyed my first couple months on Mastodon and #indieweb.social, but haven't yet done an #introduction. So... I am of the US #westisbest, a family man, metaphysical escape artist cisgen/sex #whitedude staring into the #Śūnyatā within and without me. I like a lot of things like #music, #snow, #mountains, #rivers, #basinandrange, my #dog, #wildtrout, #water, #telemark #skiing #fast, #education, #flyfishing, #vanagon, the #sky, #vanishing... Hey, wait...
#vanishing #sky #vanagon #flyfishing #education #FAST #skiing #telemark #water #wildtrout #dog #basinandrange #rivers #mountains #snow #music #sunyata #whitedude #westisbest #introduction #indieweb
The Indians speak in a language that can scare us, but we have to understand their way of expression in order to really understand them. In the West, when we draw a circle, we consider it to be zero, nothingness. But in India, a circle means totality, wholeness. The meaning is the opposite. So "form is emptiness, emptiness is form" is like wave is water, water is wave.
#thichnhathanh #emptiness #sunyata #buddhism
Aṣṭasāhastikā says that #bodhicitta a citta that is acitta.
Here bodhicitta/acitta means the same as #śūnyatā: a mind in which no sensory experience is arising (or ceasing) because attention has been withdrawn from sensory experience.
Since there is no mental content in that state, it is acitta.
#bodhicitta #sunyata #buddhism
I praise that perfect Buddha,
The Supreme Philosopher,
Who taught us relativity;
Free of cessation and creation,
Without annihilation and permanence,
With no coming and no going,
Not a unity, nor a plurality,
Fabrications quieted, the supreme bliss!
- Nagarjuna translation by Robert Thurman
#buddhism #sunyata #emptiness
Followers of the way: A Buddhist Text: The 'Heart of Perfect Wisdom', Short Form, translated by Edward Conze.
One of the great Prajnaparamita Texts on Emptiness.
#deepbuddhism #sunyata #prajnaparamita #emptiness
When you look at a flower, you see the flower is full of the cosmos—the cloud, the sunshine, the earth, everything. It has no self, no svabhava, because a flower cannot be by itself alone. A flower can only inter-be with the whole cosmos. This is the meaning of emptiness. Emptiness means empty of a separate existence. Therefore, we may also refer to this principle as interbeing.
#thichnhathanh #emptiness #sunyata #interbeing #buddhism
In #Madhyamaka: śūnyatā is a metaphysical dogma referring mainly to the nonexistence of self-creating dharmas. Non-existence is perversely hypostatised as "reality".
In #Prajñāpāramitā: śūnyatā is an epistemic term that refers to the absence of dharmas in samādhi. Absence is a matter of nonapprehension (as per early Buddhist sources).
#madhyamaka #prajnaparamita #sunyata #buddhism #buddhiststudies
"When I was ordained as a novice monk at the age of 16, my teacher gave me a gatha to learn by heart. This is one gatha you use before you bow to the Buddha. Before you bow to the Buddha you have to meditate. And the gatha goes like this:
“The one who bows, and the one who is bowed to, they are both by nature empty.”
And that is why communication is possible."
#thichnhathanh #sunyata #emptiness #buddhism
True emptiness is not empty, but contains all things. The mysterious and pregnant void creates and reflects all possibilities. From it arises our individuality, which can be discovered and developed, although never possessed or fixed. The great capacities of love, unique destiny, life, and emptiness intertwine, shining, reflecting the one true nature of life.
- Jack Kornfield
#sunyata #emptiness
"I was still holding on to the idea of causality, of purpose…. But what if you discover that the price of purpose is to render invisible so many other things?"
— Jeff VanderMeer, Acceptance
The knowledge that appearances arise unfailingly in dependence,
And the knowledge that they are empty and beyond all assertions -
As long as these two appear to you as separate,
There can be no realization of the Buddha's wisdom.
- Three Principal Aspects of the Path by Je Tsongkhapa Lobzand Drakpa
#buddhism #emptiness #sunyata #dependentarising
#buddhism #emptiness #sunyata #dependentarising
Everything is dependently originated;
Everything is empty.
#nagarjuna #sunyata #emptiness
The Chinese, searching for a word that might translate shunyata, used the character for “sky.” All dharmas are empty like the sky—blue, beautiful, expansive, and always ready to receive a bird, a wind, a cloud, the sun, the moon, or an airplane. The emptiness of the Heart Sutra isn’t the emptiness of despair; it’s the emptiness of all limitation and boundary. It is open, released.
- Lion’s Roar Staff
#emptiness #sunyata #buddhism
At present, the outer universe - earth, stones, mountains, rocks, and cliffs - seems to the perception of our senses to be permanent and stable, like the house built of reinforced concrete, which we think will last for generations. In fact, there is nothing solid to it at all, it is nothing but a city of dreams.
- Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
#buddhism #sunyata #emptiness
In the cessation of craving, we touch that dimension of experience that is timeless: the playful, unimpeded contingency of things emerging from conditions only to become conditions for something else. This is emptiness: not a cosmic vacuum but the unborn, undying, infinitely creative dimension of life. It is known as the "womb of awakening"; it is the clearing in the still center of becoming, the track on which the centered person moves.
- Stephen Batchelor
#buddhism #emptiness #sunyata
A human being is part of the whole, called by us “universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness… Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to enhance all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
- Albert Einstein
#emptiness #sunyata #compassion
#emptiness #sunyata #compassion