#SUNYCIT culminates with the SUNY FACTT2 awards and fireside chat with @D2L@twitter.com @JohnBakerD2L@twitter.com
#SUNYCIT Enhancing the Quality of #Hybrid and Online Courses by Enforcing and Motivating Techniques and Tools for Maximum Engagement In Discussions via Alireza Ebrahimi from @SUNYOldWestbury@twitter.com #OnlineLearning #OnlineTeaching
#onlineteaching #onlinelearning #hybrid #sunycit
#SUNYCIT The impact of metaverse on student learning achievements in higher education via Jennifer Lee from @FIT@twitter.com
#SUNYCIT "I can hear exactly what you mean": Video Feedback in Writing Classrooms with 2021 SUNY ON=nline Teaching Ambassador Rachel Rigolino
#SUNYCIT What’s the Point?: Low Prep Reading Strategies for the Hybrid or Online Course #OnlineTeaching #OnlineLearning #hybrid #reading @U_SUNYBrockport@twitter.com Natalie Svrcek, Kathleen Colantonio-Yurko & Janeen Pizzo
#reading #hybrid #onlinelearning #onlineteaching #sunycit
#SUNYCIT Connecting College Students to Alternative Sources of Support
The Single Stop Community College Initiative and Postsecondary Outcomes https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR1740-1.html #StudentSupport #DEI via Rhianna Rogers
#SUNYCIT What Are the Skills Required to Obtain a Good Job?
An Analysis of Labor Markets, Occupational Features, and Skill Training for the Youth ChalleNGe Program https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA271-3.html via Keynote - Rhianna Rogers #WorkforceDevelopment
#workforcedevelopment #sunycit
#SUNYCIT Keynote Address: Rhianna Rogers https://www.rand.org/about/people/r/rogers_rhianna.html#overview @RacialEquityPol@twitter.com #DEI #equity
#SUNYCIT Lessons learned from the Pandemic: Teaching in a Post-Pandemic World #onlineteaching #onlinelearning via Lynn Aaron
#onlinelearning #onlineteaching #sunycit
#SUNYCIT Lessons learned from the Pandemic: Teaching in a Post-Pandemic World with @SUNYRockland@twitter.com Lynn Aaron
Day 2 #SUNYCIT begins with Promote Involvement, Critical Thinking, and Effective Written Communication in Online Accounting Class #onlinelearning #onlineteaching
#onlineteaching #onlinelearning #sunycit
#SUNYCIT Evolving Pedagogies: A Multimodal Approach to Teaching #FairyTales #OnlineTeaching #pedagogy
#pedagogy #onlineteaching #fairytales #sunycit
#SUNYCIT Developing an Open Educational Resources in Social Justice and Advocacy #OER #SocialJustice #DEI
#dei #socialjustice #oer #sunycit
@Flowerdarby@twitter.com via The Road Forward after Three Years of Disruption Guide to Equity Minded Teaching https://seagull.wwnorton.com/equityguide https://teaforteaching.com/about/
RT @GeekyPedagogy@twitter.com
Look at these #FacDev rock stars! #TeaForTeaching live podcast recording at #SUNYCIT @john_kane_osw@twitter.com @cyberthread@twitter.com interviewing @Flowerdarby@twitter.com. @OswegoCELT@twitter.com @sunycpd@twitter.com https://twitter.com/GeekyPedagogy/status/1660978162874892289
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GeekyPedagogy/status/1661385581589413894
#sunycit #teaforteaching #facdev
#SUNYCIT 2023 kicks off! with the @SUNYChancellor@twitter.com and @Flowerdarby@twitter.com with @john_kane_osw@twitter.com & @cyberthread@twitter.com and a Live Podcast of Tea For Teaching: Teaching and the Academy: The Road Forward after Three Years of Disruption https://teaforteaching.com/about/ #OnlineTeaching #OnlineLearning #PandemicLearning #equity #LessonsLearned
#lessonslearned #equity #pandemiclearning #onlinelearning #onlineteaching #sunycit
#SUNYCIT @Flowerdarby
via The Road Forward after Three Years of Disruption Guide to Equity Minded Teaching https://seagull.wwnorton.com/equityguide
#SUNYCIT 2023 kicks off! with the
@SUNYChancellor and @Flowerdarby with @john_kane_osw & @cyberthread
and a Live Podcast of Tea For Teaching: Teaching and the Academy: The Road Forward after Three Years of Disruption https://teaforteaching.com/about