After a bit of searching, I found an amazing version of the traditional Karelian folk song “Konevitsan kirkonkello” that’s been the original for the Piirpauke cover, performed with three kanteles by Finnish kantele players Martti Pokela, Eeva-Leena Sariola and Matti Kontio:
#MusicFromAroundTheWorld #Music #Suomi #SuomalainenPerinteinenMusiikki #Finland #TraditionalFinnishMusic #Kantele
#musicfromaroundtheworld #music #suomi #suomalainenperinteinenmusiikki #finland #traditionalfinnishmusic #kantele
🧵 (1/6) I’ve loved Finland’s traditional zither-like instrument for years. Its sparkling sound, with a very unique timbre and colour, reaches deep into my heart.
There are different kinds of kanteles; most Finnish school kids very likely know the small- to mid-sized five-string model, which is being exported to other countries as well.
#MusicFromAroundTheWorld #Music #Suomi #SuomalainenPerinteinenMusiikki #Finland #TraditionalFinnishMusic #Kantele
#musicfromaroundtheworld #music #suomi #suomalainenperinteinenmusiikki #finland #traditionalfinnishmusic #kantele