I should sleep but childish gambino told me to stay woke
It's ironic how sleep and coffee are two of my favorite things
Hell is a restaurant full of people who chew with their mouth open
Thank you Mastodon for turning my phone into a treadmill for my thumb
I don't believe in soul mates
Have you seen what happens to socks??
Menstrual cramps are just free samples of what giving birth feels like
I'd wish you all a happy Thanksgiving, but this isn't Facebook
The other day I held the door open for a clown. I thought it was a nice jester.
Your stomach probably thinks all potatoes are mashed
I like to make things awkward for everybody in the room so I can feel like I belong
Mitsuwa also never fails to deliver... in fairness, the Japanese name for this stuff isn't going to help you get it right since it's phonetic, but still...