Matinée scotchée devant #SupaTeam4 avec choupette
#representationmatters #supateam4
I recently ran into , a #netflix #cartoon of teenage #magicalGirls / #superheroines from #Zambia, written by a cast of female writers.
After a few episodes, I can say that - within the genre - it's doing a lot of great work to introduce kids to the subsaharan cultures, languages, aesthetics. I'm glad it's translated to a lot of languages!
More about the writers:
#supateam4 #popculture #africa #zambia #superheroines #magicalgirls #cartoon #netflix
TV TONIGHT (July 20)
#SweetMagnolias #TacomaFD #AllTheQueensMen #TheChase #BeforeWeDie #SuperpoweredTheDCStory #MyMagicCloset #SupaTeam4 #StarTrekSNW #AndJustLikeThat #DontKillTheBabysitter #60DaysIn #ProjectRunway #LoveIsland #WhatWeDoInTheShadows
#whatwedointheshadows #loveisland #ProjectRunway #60daysin #dontkillthebabysitter #AndJustLikeThat #StarTrekSNW #supateam4 #mymagiccloset #superpoweredthedcstory #beforewedie #thechase #allthequeensmen #TacomaFD #sweetmagnolias
Africa's animation industry goes global on Netflix, Disney Plus
#SupaTeam4 #KizaziMoto #Netflix #DisneyPlus #Triggerfish #animation #series # streaming
#series #animation #triggerfish #disneyplus #netflix #kizazimoto #supateam4
Cuatro niñas negras protagonizan la primera serie de animación africana de Netflix, Las Super 4
Supa Team 4 (Las Super 4) se estrenerá en Netflix el 20 de julio como la primera serie de animación af
#CulturaCineYTelevisin #Actualidad #Agenda #LasSuper4 #afrodescendientes #Afrofminas #afrofeminas #animacin #frica #Netflix #series #Sudfrica #SupaTeam4 #Triggerfish
#culturacineytelevisin #actualidad #agenda #lassuper4 #afrodescendientes #afrofminas #afrofeminas #animacin #frica #netflix #series #sudfrica #supateam4 #triggerfish