Found a neat looking 14” Toshiba Blackstripe TV from the late ‘80s at an estate sale over the weekend for $5.
So, now I have two CRTs in my home office. Because I am an idiot.
(The newer Toshiba is clearly the better option in terms of image quality and inputs—14” only has mono composite and RF, while 20” has up to component. Yet, there’s something kinda neat about the retro-ness of the Blackstripe when combined with older consoles.)
#superbaseball2020 #toshiba #retrogames #Gaming
2020 Super Baseball for Arcade/MAME
#2020SuperBaseball #SuperBaseball2020 #Arcade #MAME #Sports #Baseball #Futuristic #Robots #SNKCorporation #SNK
#snk #snkcorporation #robots #futuristic #baseball #sports #mame #arcade #superbaseball2020 #2020superbaseball