That's where #crypto comes in: during the #cryptocurrency bubble, VCs cashed out of their investments early through #InitialCoinOfferings and other forms of #SecuritiesFraud. The massive returns this generated were well worth the millions they sprinkled on #SuperbowlAds and bribes for #MattDamon.
But woe betide the VC who mistimes their exit. As #Wework showed, it's entirely possible for VCs to be left holding the bag if they get the timing wrong.
#crypto #cryptocurrency #initialcoinofferings #securitiesfraud #superbowlads #mattdamon #wework
The most remarkable thing about this *incredibly* stupid story is that LBCC wasn't the peak of blockchain's bubble - rather, it was the *start* of blockchain's final pump-and-dump. By the standards of 2022's blockchain grifters, LBCC was small potatoes, a mere $138m sugar-water grift.
They didn't have any #NFTs, no #WashTrades, no #ICO. They didn't have #SuperbowlAds. They didn't steal billions from mom-and-pop investors while proclaiming themselves to be #EffectiveAltruists.
#nfts #washtrades #ico #superbowlads #effectivealtruists
Is it just me or do #SuperBowlAds get worse every year? Like I’d rather watch a YouTube Rewind than this… 👎
Ben Affleck is OK in drive-thru, but he could do more sales if he’d stick to the script #SuperBowlAds
Video Roundup: My Top 2023 Super Bowl Ads
The 2023 Super Bowl LVII is in the
#VideoRoundupStuff #2023SuperBowlAds #Amazon-SavingSawyer #BudLight-EasyToHold #GMxNetflix-WhynotanEV #Google-FixedOnPixel #Jeep-Jeep4xe“ElectricBoogie” #Kia-BinkyDad #MyTop2023SuperBowlAds #NFL-RunWithIt #PopCorners-BreakingGood #SuperBowlAds #TheBuschGuide-Cold+SmoothSurvivalSkills #TheFarmer'sDog-Forever #UberOne-OneHitForUberOne
#videoroundupstuff #2023superbowlads #amazon #budlight #gmxnetflix #google #jeep #kia #mytop2023superbowlads #nfl #popcorners #superbowlads #thebuschguide #thefarmer #uberone
A Super Bowl commercial from the last Blockbuster in the world
@Peaceandprosperity either commit all the way and have him in almost a drag costume as Danny Zuko, or have it set at Travolta home and spontaneous break into song.
At it was IMO looked like the rough draft, a concept video, instead of the finished product.
@Jagahati uh huh sure “If you are commenting on #SuperbOwlAds you are shallow and threaten society”
What does it say? In all respect, it says I spend my time analyzing media and not sports, and not a lot of time defending doing so from blow hard self righteous kill joys on a social media channel dedicated to a podcast that deconstructs media.
"He Gets Us" No, you kill us all, just so He can get you, until we're all dead from you. #Jesus #SuperBowlAds #HobbyLobby ✝️ 💀 :BlobfoxThinking:
#jesus #superbowlads #hobbylobby
The commercials were only so-so this year. I liked Adam Driver Squarespace, Will Ferrell GM, Maya Rudolph M&Ms and Bud Light hold music. Did I miss any other good ones? #SuperbowlAds
"He Gets Us" No, you kill us all, just so he can get you. #Jesus #SuperBowlAds #HobbyLobby ✝️ 💀 :BlobfoxThinking:
#jesus #superbowlads #hobbylobby
"He Gets Us" No, you kill us all, just so he can get you. #Jesus #SuperBowlAds #HobbyLobby
#jesus #superbowlads #hobbylobby
"He Gets Us" No, you kill us, so he can get you. But He'll get you anyway. #Jesus #SuperBowlAds #HobbyLobby
#jesus #superbowlads #hobbylobby
One last thought on #Superbowl before I return to my regular once a week or so posting...
You can get a dog on #Amazon now? That seems like a bad idea for the dog.
#superbowl #amazon #superbowlads #dogsofmastodon
Travolta schlepping for T-Mobile shows either an utter failure of Miscavage’s leadership at COS, or it’s triumph: is humiliation a rite of passage, or the ultimate expression of having already been?
Enough with these religious commercials already #NFL #SuperBowl #SuperBowlAds
That Rockstar ad was a complete abomination. Looked like something amateur, like from celebrity Apprentice episode.