Study shows #airpollution could be spreading #infectiousdiseases #superbugs #antibioticresistance
#AirPollution #infectiousdiseases #superbugs #antibioticresistance
#UNEP report: #Superbugs could kill up to 10M every year by 2050 #antibioticresistance #pathogens
#UNEP #superbugs #antibioticresistance #pathogens
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 2, 2023 - Vandersteel and Yon at the BORDER, Trump indictments and BEATING SUPERBUGS
- Interview with Ann Vandersteel and Michael Yon at the Texas border
- #Trump criminally indicted as yet another distracted from #Biden family corruption and crimes
- Trump's indictment is a "speech crime" that violates his First Amendment rights
- CVS pharmacies to close 900 locations and fire 5,000 workers after KILLING their customers with jabs
- #Superbugs threaten to kill tens of millions of people each year, but only those who are ignorant of natural antibiotics
- Chlorine dioxide kills MRSA and other superbugs, but no doctor will recommend it
- The medical system is a MURDER system that deliberately withholds lifesaving treatments from people to KILL them
- Ivermectin is just one example; Chlorine Dioxide is another
#Cicada Wings Kill #Superbugs on Contact, And We May Finally Know How
WRITER FUEL: Scientists have developed a new "shape-shifting" antibiotic to fight drug-resistant bacteria, but it hasn't been tested in humans yet.
#WriterFuel #Antibiotics #Viruses #Research #Science #Superbugs
#superbugs #science #research #viruses #antibiotics #writerfuel
Hidden war of bugs
Six infections the soldier found
Drugs won’t save now
#superbugs #ukrainiansoldier #antibioticresistance #haiku #poetry
#superbugs #ukrainiansoldier #antibioticresistance #haiku #poetry
U.S. Senate panel looks into #superbugs & overuse of antibiotics. Via our DC bureau's #JenniferShutt.
#Ionophore resistance has been documented, could cause more harm over the long haul #Superbugs #Tyson
One thing that's increasingly undeniable is that the composition of your microbial nation is related in significant ways to both your physical and mental health. What's more, as #AntibioticResistant #SuperBugs proliferate, FMTs are becoming increasingly central to treating dangerous gut infections that otherwise stand a high chance of killing you.
"Eat Shit and Prosper" is #StephenSkolnick's delightfully named newsletter about poop and health science.
#antibioticresistant #superbugs #stephenskolnick
"Antibiotic That Destroys One of World’s Deadliest Superbugs Discovered by AI Supercomputer" - GoodNewsNetwork
#antibiotics #superbugs #miraclemedicine #artificialintelligence
#antibiotics #superbugs #miraclemedicine #artificialintelligence
New superbug-killing antibiotic discovered using AI - #antibiotics #SuperBugs #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Medicine #Disease
#antibiotics #superbugs #ai #artificialintelligence #medicine #disease
Wolfgang Pauli’s quantum rule makes existence possible : Big Think
#ClimateChange is contributing to the rise of #Superbugs, new #UN report says : CNN
The #Shocking decline of Earth’s #Microbiome – and how to save it : New Scientist
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #microbiome #shocking #un #superbugs #ClimateChange
At least 40% of #meatproducts test positive for #antibioticresistant #superbugs
#foodsafety #superbugs #antibioticresistant #meatproducts
At least 40% of #meatproducts test positive for #antibioticresistant #superbugs #FoodSafety
#foodsafety #superbugs #antibioticresistant #meatproducts
Last night on #ABC730, there was a short story on #antibiotic use on factory farmed animals such as #pigs and #chickens in #Australia. I suggest people watch the 5 minute segment here:
This is the blurb of the segment:
"For almost a century, antibiotics have been used around the world to treat bacterial infection, but scientists warn that over-use could raise the risk of antibiotic-resistant superbugs.
The World Health Organization has listed the problem as one of the top ten global health threats facing humanity. New research has found antibiotic resistance in samples of meat taken from supermarket shelves. Jason Om reports."
Some brief thoughts on the story:
-I have to laugh at the 'ethical butcher' nomenclature, as it reminded me of 'humane slaughter'. #oxymoron
-It should be pointed out, because it wasn't directly stated in the news story, due perhaps to time constraints, but there is a reason that antibiotic use is so high and prevalent (60% of antibiotics used in Australia are for agriculture use - what a shocking amount!). And that is because animals, who are #sentient, conscious, and intelligent, are stuck in horrid conditions, surrounded by their own shit. 💩
Thank you to #abcAustralia for showing the report that was commissioned by #AnimalsAustralia. I hope it leads to more people choosing a kinder, nicer, way of life. 🌱
#Vegan #Vegans #Veganism #VeganForTheAnimals #AnimalRights #GoVegan #AntibioticResistance #SuperBugs
#abc730 #antibiotic #pigs #chickens #australia #oxymoron #sentient #abcaustralia #animalsaustralia #vegan #vegans #veganism #VeganForTheAnimals #animalrights #govegan #antibioticresistance #superbugs
💊 @UniofAdelaide @latrobe @Uni_Newcastle say they developed a technique that enables antibiotics to change shape in order to attack different types of bacteria
#Antibiotics #Superbugs #InfectionControl
#antibiotics #superbugs #infectioncontrol
🦠Superbugs lurking in your supermarket meat? A recent study found that 40% of meat samples tested were contaminated with antibiotic-resistant bacteria #Supermarket #Meat #Superbugs #AntibioticResistance
#supermarket #meat #superbugs #antibioticresistance
Study shows #antibiotic-resistant '#superbugs' are being passed between #dogs and #cats and their owners.
#zoonoses #pathogens #bacteria
#antibiotic #superbugs #dogs #cats #Zoonoses #pathogens #bacteria