Have you ever actually beaten #Contra?
If so (or even if not 🤷♂️), #TheVideoGameLibrary recently catalogued this rare #ChooseYourOwnAdventure novel.
It was published by Konami back in 1988, and follows an original story with characters Bill and Lance.
#SuperC #NES #Famicom #Konami #GameBook #book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Nintendo #Retro #RetroGaming #Fun #RunNGun #Japanese
#japanese #RunNGun #Fun #retrogaming #retro #Nintendo #bookstodon #Books #book #gamebook #konami #famicom #nes #superc #chooseyourownadventure #thevideogamelibrary #contra
RT @peachflavor3d@twitter.com
My attempt at restoring the artwork of #Probotector II: Return of the Evil Forces, the PAL version of #SuperC on the #NES. Took some liberties in some spots since I had zero reference to work it/clone from. Upscaled, cleaned, logos/text removed and retouched.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/peachflavor3d/status/1587741951725654016
Nicht nur Studierende wissen: Wenn der Baum vorm Super C der RWTH Aachen sich verfärbt, hat das Wintersemester begonnen🍂
📸Stadt Aachen
#aachen #aken #aixlachapelle #herbst #superc #rwthaachen #lieblingsstadtac #allesaachen pic.twitter.com/JAU4XgY4hW - https://twitter.com/PresseamtAachen/status/1439831695331577863
#aachen #aken #aixlachapelle #herbst #superc #rwthaachen #lieblingsstadtac #allesaachen