ObserverFect · @teemo
65 followers · 791 posts · Server

Shame , they are subversive and anti-democratic. No one should want to be one. Improve from within. Refuse the post publicly you privileged few. It should be embarrassing to be involved with a potential means of diluting the ability of the people to choose their leaders.


Last updated 2 years ago

ObserverFect · @teemo
65 followers · 790 posts · Server

Shame , they are subversive and anti-democratic. No one should want to be one. Improve from within. Refuse the post publicly you privileged few. It should be embarrassing to be involved with a potential means of diluting the ability of the people to chose their leaders.


Last updated 2 years ago

ObserverFect · @teemo
65 followers · 788 posts · Server

Super delegates are a Democrat protection mechanism. They protect the Dem. political machine from the will of Dem. voters. Along with some other court recognized slime-ball shit, they are how we got Hillary instead of Sanders.
The is from 3/5ths of a man slavers logic. Designed to empower the losers, giving small states undue power.
Want a more perfect ? How about using a more perfect voting system to get more perfect .

#duopoly #ElectoralCollege #union #democracy #starvoting #superdelegates

Last updated 2 years ago

ObserverFect · @teemo
65 followers · 788 posts · Server

Super delegates are a Democrat protection mechanism. They protect the Dem. political machine from the will of Dem. voters. Along with some other court recognized slime-ball shit, they are how we got Hillary instead of Sanders.
The is from 3/5ths of a man slavers logic. Design to empower the losers, giving small states undue power.
Want a more perfect ? How about using a more perfect voting system to get more perfect .

#duopoly #ElectoralCollege #union #democracy #starvoting #superdelegates

Last updated 2 years ago

ObserverFect · @teemo
65 followers · 787 posts · Server

has the wing, champions civil and human rights, represent an intellectual majority and is defending our nations processes from an emerging movement. The perception and existence of fairness is critical to and appeal. Why does it still use a system with a component very similar to the while choosing the pres.? like the E.C.are an indefensible of

#blueteam #progressive #fascist #trust #ElectoralCollege #democratic #Candidate #superdelegates #corruption #democracy #change #update #duopoly #integrity

Last updated 2 years ago

ObserverFect · @teemo
65 followers · 786 posts · Server

Hey Blue team operators! Change the rules now. Get rid of . They are a terrible look. Pre pledging of super and other back room slime-ball politics is the reason we suffered tRump. Clean it up. Only democratic voters should decide the candidate.

#superdelegates #delegates #democrates #primaries #voting #votingreform #election #dems

Last updated 2 years ago

ObserverFect · @teemo
65 followers · 786 posts · Server

Hey Blue team operators! Change the rules now. Get rid of . They are a terrible look. Pre pledging of super delegates and other back room slime-ball politics is the reason we suffered tRump. Clean it up. Only democratic voters should decide the candidate.

#superdelegates #democrates #primary

Last updated 2 years ago

Only gave the acceptable response. The rest disqualified themselves for supporting a DNC rigged system that ignores voters rights and uses to override the will of the people. Prior superdelegates running in 2020? Amy, Liz, Biden.

#superdelegates #BernieSanders #democraticdebate

Last updated 5 years ago