@Johncdvorak @adam
#TravisAirForceBase is a superfund site, it's incredibly polluted with a myriad of chemicals. Look @ this list https://archive.ph/ET63A
Declared a #superfund site in '89 but delayed cleanup till '18, & is on going.
The groundwater is polluted for miles around the base.
FOTM #pollutant is #PFAS #foreverchemicals is present.
My take is that these billionaires want the govt to clean up the land on the tax payers dime. They've been buying the land around #Travis for a while.
#travisairforcebase #superfund #pollutant #pfas #foreverchemicals #travis
I sat down with Jane Turner of Whistleblower Network News. In Part 1, we talked about how my 6 year+ career at #Apple swiftly ended after I complained to Apple about the toxic waste dump under my office & to the US EPA about Apple covering up safety issues at the #Superfund site. In Part 2 we talk about my research & reporting on the very predictable patterns and reasons for whistleblower retaliation.
Check it out! ⬇️
New video this Sunday! In episode 12 of our Off The Beaten Track series we explore Cypress Mountain Drive near Paso Robles in California, and along the way learn a little about Cinnabar and unintended consequences. ETA Sunday AM Pacific time, we’ll post a link here on Sunday too! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Episodes 1 - 11 of Off The Beaten Track are here: https://four.wheel.travel/off-the-beaten-track/
#OffRoad #Overland #CypressMountainDrive #PasoRobles #CaliforniaCentralCoast #EPA #SuperFund #Cinnabar
#offroad #overland #cypressmountaindrive #pasorobles #californiacentralcoast #epa #superfund #cinnabar
Check out my latest interview! We talk about #Apple Computer's spying, retaliation, & env crimes. I also explain Superfunds & why its a bad idea to do silicon fab next to homes.
"After the conversation about the cracks in the floor of my #Superfund office, Apple refusing to test the air, & saying I 'don't have a right to know' , I'll never view employment the same way. I realized how disposable human beings are to corporations. Apple didn't care if I lived or died."
"After the conversation about the cracks in the floor of my #Superfund office, Apple refusing to test the air, & saying I 'don't have a right to know' - I'll never view employment the same way.
I realized how disposable human beings are to corporations.
#Apple literally didn't care if I lived or died."
So much has happened in my lawsuits against Apple over the last five months!
An incredible amount of new information came to light about my Apple office at the TRW #Superfund site & Apple's rogue secret silicon fab plant outside my living room, & how Apple retaliated against me about both, while Apple knew it was responsible for sickening & disabling me in 2020.
#Apple is evil, yo.
If you want to see the new bigger picture, I updated my mega-timeline:
Doing some adulting today and trying to sort out what the letter from an old Super fund means about death/disability insurance cover ending unless I give them some money today.
I should probably seek some professional financial advice, but just going to make sure I keep the cover active first.
#Adulting #Superfund #Insurance
#adulting #superfund #insurance
NEWS: Tomorrow #EPA will issue a request for info as they decide whether to designate certain #PFAS as hazardous substances under #Superfund law:
• Precursors to PFOA, PFOS, & the above 7 PFAS
• "groups or categories of PFAS"
Honored to join @EPAnewengland, @RepMcGovern, @KarenSpilka & @ashlandmass officials today to celebrate additional federal BIL funding to cleanup up contaminated #groundwater at the #Nyanza #Superfund site in #Ashland. Local residents have been key to the cleanup over the years
#groundwater #nyanza #superfund #ashland
Our local #cbsnews station is such a tool. They read certain press releases like they’re fact. Today it was about the EPA being 50% thru cleanup of the radioactive burning landfill.
50% of nothing is nothing- which is accurate but not enough to claim the cleanup is 50% complete. The 50% more accurately describes the fire which is halfway thru the landfill. The navel gazing is 50% perhaps.
#gaslighting #WestlakeLandfill
#cbsnews #gaslighting #westlakelandfill #superfund
Methinks the ocean off of southern California should be a superfund site...
"...LA’s coast became a dumping ground for DDT, ...as many as half a million barrels could still be on the sea floor..."
#DDT #pollution #California #superfund #crime https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/24/california-pacific-ocean-ddt-high-concentration
#ddt #pollution #california #superfund #crime
Biden's Woke Water Will Deny Americans 'Forever Chemicals' Their Bodies Crave https://www.wonkette.com/biden-s-woke-water-will-deny-americans-forever-chemicals-their-bodies-crave
#Environmental_protection_agency #Carcinogens #Pfas #Forever_chemicals #Teflon #Parts_per_trillion #Pfoa #Pfos #Genx #Pfbs #Pfhxs #Pfna #Epa #Michael_regan #Wilmington_north_carolina #Cape_fear_river #Superfund #Drinking_water #Woke_water #Defense_department #Pollution #Environment
#environment #pollution #Defense_department #Woke_water #Drinking_water #superfund #Cape_fear_river #Wilmington_north_carolina #Michael_regan #epa #Pfna #Pfhxs #Pfbs #genx #PFOS #pfoa #Parts_per_trillion #teflon #forever_chemicals #pfas #carcinogens #Environmental_protection_agency
In a toxin-exposed #Montana #mining town, the EPA favors polluters
Scientists say the agency is siding with the companies, even after it acknowledged that open-pit mining in Butte is unsafe and requires major cleanup.
by Wilson Criscione, March 6, 2023
"It’s the result of decades of open-pit mining that continues to this day in Butte. McDermott was stunned at how close the mining pits were to homes and businesses. In town, she noticed parked cars with a film of dust that looked as if ash had fallen from a fire. Her son, who worked for the local newspaper, later told her of children in Butte who had developed mysterious ailments.
"'It just struck me that there’s something very unhealthy going on here,' said McDermott, a professor at the City University of New York Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy.
"#Butte, a once-booming city, is home to a massive #Superfund site overseen by the Environmental Protection Agency. Past mining has polluted the soil and water in and around Butte, and when Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) abandoned the mine in 1982, it left a pit that’s since filled with water so #toxic that it kills flocks of birds that land on it."
#OpenPit #Environment #Pollution #WaterIsLife
Read more:
#montana #mining #butte #superfund #toxic #openpit #environment #pollution #waterislife
🧵 I'm still mostly on Twitter & I owe an update to the Mastodon folks on the latest developments with all the Apple toxic waste stuff
Through my persistent public records requests, it recently came to light that the Santa Clara #Superfund apartment I got sick at in 2020 was right next to an #Apple building
Where Apple was covertly doing literal actual #semiconductor manufacturing directly next to a giant apartment complex
#semiconductor #Apple #superfund
Last night, I had looked for this website that I remember from 2004 (it was not in my current bookmarks). A good night's sleep and a DuckDuckGo search got me the results I was looking for. Page bookmarked now. This page also has links to .wmv files with the documentary "Vanishing Prayer".
2004: #NativeAmericans: #Navajo Indians targeted for brutal genocide, in #Arizona, #USA ...by Sen. #JohnMcCain, the #BIA & a few greedy Politicians
"To facilitate his special interests, namely: Peabody Western Coal Company (the largest coal group in the US) and the Mohave Generating Facility in Laughlin (operated by Bechtel) delivering low cost coal produced electricity to Las Vegas's Casinos in exchange for Beer Distribution Contracts afforded his wife's business, Hemsley Inc., John McCain personally, over the course of 25 years in the state legislature and federal senate introduced and arranged for the enforcement of unethical and constitutionally unlawful legislations which brutally displaced thousands of Navajo farmers onto a #Nuclear Waste Dump, Church's Rock, #NewMexico to live after brutalizing them for two decades in peaceful resistance. McCain assembled support to modify existing laws and produce new ones (Navajo Resettlement & Navajo Accommodation Agreement, Navajo Settlement, and amendments to PL 93-531, PL S.1003), illegal and unethical enactments designed to force Native American Navajo of the Dineh Band off their Arizona lands, moving them onto Church's Hill in New Mexico, depriving them of lands they've owned since 1500 AD. As a result, thousands of aboriginal elders passed away from shock associated with displacement into urban apartment settings and on to uranium contaminated waste sites such as Church's.
"Using a phony #Hopi tribal counsel composed of paid stooges, and Rangers comprised largely of BIA police, McCain and Peabody Western Coal Company progressively stole and exploited the Dineh's lands for mutual personal gain, brutalizing the natives, terrorizing #elders and engaging in thuggery, forcing these peaceful people to leave 'or else'. They even bulldozed their sacred sites and sweat lodges, beating their members physically and abusing their elders to the point of terrorizing them and causing health failure and heart failures and worse. Fake Hopi Rangers (BIA Police) organized by McCain allies arrested and beat any peaceful resistors on their own lands and while celebrating holy days at their sacred sites. Three Presidential runs by McCain have been backed by the Mining, Power company and its Nevada Casino clients through street names organized in Nevada. McCain's wife has been granted huge Beer distribution contracts at her liquor company, Hemsley, by Nevada gaming interests. Two faced political favor banking has robbed the Dineh of any political support. The supposed 'new lands' at Church's Hill are a #Superfund Nuclear Waste Dump landfill site where children in schoolyards play among openly dumped uranium tailings! Children born in these communities have twice the national average of birth defects!"
#EnvironmentalRacism #PeabodyCoal #McCainShame #NativeAmericans #ThackerPass
Read more: http://www.acsa.net/cain2004.org/
#nativeamericans #navajo #arizona #usa #JohnMcCain #bia #nuclear #NewMexico #hopi #elders #superfund #environmentalracism #peabodycoal #mccainshame #ThackerPass
@BertL @ChristosArgyrop it’s going to be terrible for years to come for those people who live near that, and the gaslighting and lies about why their children are born with defects or get cancer cannot be tolerated.
In NH an improperly capped landfill poisoned the water & caused a rare pediatric #cancer cluster. It was labeled a #superfund site. A whole bunch of kids got cancer & died & it has still not been cleaned.
And they’re saying THIS isn’t a problem.
Antennas and dishes at former Parks AFB in Dublin, California as seen from our shopper. I believe this was/is still part of the Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN) as an Automated Remote Tracking Stations (ARTS). It used to be under the control of Onizuka Air Force Station in Sunnyvale. Also of note as development build on former base land it was used for Cobalt 60 experiences and is a superfund site #space #satellite #USAF #Aerialphotography #Onizuka #superfund #radiation
#space #satellite #usaf #aerialphotography #onizuka #superfund #radiation
Town where child #cancer rose blasts deal over pollution. TOMS RIVER, N.J. a chemical company was flushing toxic waste into waterways and burying it in the ground. #TomsRiver #CancerCluster #Superfund #Environment
#cancer #tomsriver #cancercluster #superfund #environment
#MTPR: How toxic are the grounds of a former pulp mill along the #ClarkForkRiver?
Austin Amestoy
“What’s hard right now is that the EPA, within their process and their very outlined way of doing things, isn’t able, or isn’t currently ready to accept that all of the sediments and water on site will eventually go into the Clark Fork River,” Evans said.
#mtpr #clarkforkriver #montana #missoulacounty #frenchtown #superfund
New interview! We talk about my 7 years working at #Apple & how it all exploded into nuclear winter following some simple questions I had about the toxic waste under my #Superfund office.
While talking through my own story, I explain Apple's playbook for abusing & silencing employees.
We also talk about how I discovered my disclosures led to a safety inspection by the US government which found novel & horrific safety issues at my office.
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2N959AqNE8