EPA proposes new Superfund site in northeastern Oklahoma #Oklahoma #KOSU #GraycenWheeler #EPA #SuperfundSite #NRSC #Fansteel #Muskogee #CherokeeNation #EartheaNance #ArkansasRiver #Uranium #NPL #KevinStitt
#oklahoma #kosu #graycenwheeler #epa #superfundsite #nrsc #fansteel #muskogee #cherokeenation #eartheanance #arkansasriver #uranium #npl #kevinstitt
We have this beautiful little lake about ten minutes from where we live, right outside the city of #Syracuse, but it is a toxic cesspool that you can't even swim in. What kind of morons would allow this to happen? Truly a shame.
#SuperfundSite #Superfund #environmentalism #pollution #environment
#syracuse #superfundsite #superfund #environmentalism #pollution #environment