#Crew7 misioa Nazioarteko Espazio Espaziora abiatu da jada. Bihar egokituko da Harmony modulura.
#SuperHeavy suziriaren #Booster9-aren proba estatikoa egin zen bart. 33 motorrak piztu ziren arren, horietako bik huts egin zuten proban zehar. Bost segundo iraun zuen.
#crew7 #superheavy #booster9 #Espazioa
Official #SpaceX drone footage of the 2nd #Booster9 #StaticFire at 60fps.
#spacex #booster9 #StaticFire #starbase #starship #superheavy
According to #SpaceX: "...Booster 9 static fire successfully lit all 33 Raptor engines, with all but two running for the full duration..."
All 33 ignited but 2 were lost after ignition. 31 out of 33 engines were firing full duration.
#spacex #booster9 #StaticFire #starbase #starship #superheavy
Rapid turnaround video of the #Booster9 #StaticFire is now out from #NSF.
#booster9 #StaticFire #nsf #starbase #spacex #starship #superheavy
#LabPadre Rover 3's angle of the #Booster9 #StaticFire
Footage from LabPadre
#labpadre #booster9 #StaticFire #starbase #spacex #starship #superheavy
NSF's angle of the #Booster9 #StaticFire
Footage from #NSF and clipped by Domi207.
#booster9 #StaticFire #nsf #starbase #spacex #starship #superheavy
Some stripped paint on the OLIT.
Screenshot from the Booster 9 testing stream via NSF
#starbase #spacex #starship #superheavy #booster9
Official #SpaceX video of the 2nd #Booster9 #StaticFire
#spacex #booster9 #StaticFire #starship #superheavy #starbase
#SpaceX #Starship #Superheavy booster static fire looked to be good, and full duration. The fence was blown away.
Official #SpaceX stream link for the upcoming #Booster9 #StaticFire:
#spacex #booster9 #StaticFire #starship #superheavy #starbase
#SpaceX says they are in a static fire countdown for #Starship #Superheavy booster.
NASASpaceflight is covering it right now.
Screenshot from the Booster 9 testing stream via NSF.
#starbase #spacex #starship #superheavy #booster9
ICYMI, Booster 9 did a Spin Prime around 8:11 CDT yesterday evening.
Video from NSF and Starbase Live.
#starbase #spacex #starship #superheavy #booster9
Booster 9 is entering the pad area.
Screenshot from LabPadre Rover 2.
#booster9 #starbase #spacex #starship #superheavy
Booster 9 has been staged at the entrance to the mega bay.
GIF credit: NSF and Starbase Live.
#starbase #spacex #starship #superheavy #booster9