And here is some love for the sequel Simon: Superhero In Training #book #bookrecomendations #bookreviews #ShamelessSelfpromoSaturday #indieauthor #indieauthors #scifi #SciFiBooks #fantasy #fantasybooks #superheroes #superherobooks
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I feel I don’t blow my own trumpet enough. So here is a video showcasing some of the latest great reviews for Simon: Not Your Average Superhero #book #bookrecomendations #books #bookreview #indieauthors #authorsofmastadon #superherobooks #fantasybooks #fantasy #scifi #SciFiBooks
#book #bookrecomendations #books #bookreview #indieauthors #authorsofmastadon #superherobooks #fantasybooks #fantasy #scifi #SciFiBooks
Happy World Book Day everybody. If you’re looking for something new try my Adult Superhero Fantasies Simon: Not Your Average Superhero and Simon: Superhero In Training #WorldBookDay #bookrecommendations #indieauthors #IndieAuthorsUnite #superherobooks #fantasybooks #authorsofmastadon #BookMastodon #IndieAuthorsOfMastodon
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