I’ve been exposed to #war zones. So-called collateral damage is little understood: Children’s growth stunted due to shell shock, generational #ptsd, brain injuries…
Yesterday’s #Ukraine #Telegraph #podcast with #AndreyStavnitser of #Superhumans, illuminated cutting edge reconstruction, #prosthetics & rehabilitation. A must listen: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ukraine-the-latest/id1612424182?i=1000609968510
@ChristopherJM @anneapplebaum @Euan_MacDonald
#war #ptsd #ukraine #telegraph #podcast #andreystavnitser #superhumans #prosthetics
@kierongillen Then the related question is has anyone done a #superhumans on the #WWII battlefield #wargame...sort of crossing #Chainmail with #ORE #Godlike I guess?
#superhumans #wwii #wargame #chainmail #ore #godlike