David Wood · @dw2
55 followers · 52 posts · Server mas.to

Accelerating improvements in , timescales for the , prospects for , the growth in , different types of immortality, obstacles to progress, and the risks of a new dark age - topics in a discussion I had earlier today with Tim Ventura youtube.com/watch?v=n-4bUT8jMn

#transhumanism #superlongevity #singularity #ai

Last updated 2 years ago

David Wood · @dw2
55 followers · 52 posts · Server mas.to

Belatedly, an :

Chair of London Futurists. Author of eight books including, most recently, "The Singularity Principles".

I spent 25 years at Psion, Symbian, and Accenture Mobility, envisioning, designing, and trailblazing the use of PDAs and then smartphones.

I'm @dw2 on Twitter.

Special interests:

#vitalsyllabus #futuresurge #superabundance #superdemocracy #superintelligence #superlongevity #technoprogressive #innovation #transhumanism #disruption #risks #singularity #foresight #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago