July17th is the official birthday of #Superman's red-headed high school crush and childhood friend from #Smallville.
#SupermanTAS #Superman #SupermanIII #AnnetteOToole #EmmanuelleChriqui #MOS #DCAU #DCU #DCEU #TheCW #JoelyFisher #SupermanAndLois #SupermanTheAnimatedSeries
#happybirthday #lanalang #superman #smallville #supermantas #supermaniii #annetteotoole #emmanuellechriqui #mos #dcau #dcu #dceu #thecw #joelyfisher #supermanandlois #supermantheanimatedseries
Gonna do one of those "here is a list of all my general nerdery" toots:
(Part one: franchises(
#mastodon #horror #sf #avenue5 #peacemaker #harleyquinn #gotham #lost #Smallville #stargate #jlunlimited #supermantheanimatedseries #batmantheanimatedseries #thelonegunmen #thexfiles #jamesbond #quantumleap #marvelcinematicuniverse #thepretender #startrek #doctorwho #grimm #onceuponatime #arrowverse #powerrangers #thetwilightzone
Gonna do one of those "here is a list of all my general nerdery" toots:
(Part one: franchises)
#mastodon #horror #sf #avenue5 #peacemaker #harleyquinn #gotham #lost #Smallville #stargate #jlunlimited #supermantheanimatedseries #batmantheanimatedseries #thelonegunmen #thexfiles #jamesbond #quantumleap #marvelcinematicuniverse #thepretender #startrek #doctorwho #thetwilightzone
Gonna do one of those "here is a list of all my general nerdery" toots:
(Part Two: TV Shows)
#thetwilightzone #theouterlimits #quatermass #doctorwho #startrek #theprisoner #blakes7 #v #battlestargalactica #quantumleap #reddwarf #babylon5 #thexfiles #millennium #thelonegunmen #spaceaboveandbeyond #batmantheanimatedseries #supermantheanimatedseries #JLUnlimited #stargate #smallville #lost #garthmarengisdarkplace #thewalkingdead #gotham #harleyquinn #peacemaker #Avenue5 #sf #horror #mastodon