Heute tut ein Lp enden und ein neues Starten ! Wir sagen um 18 Uhr Goodbye zu #SuperMario3dWorld und um 20 uhr hallo zur Pokemon Schwarz 2 Randomizer (-: Seid dabei (-:
#gervtuber #vtuber
#supermario3dworld #gervtuber #vtuber
Whee! Unlocked #Rosalina in #supermario3dworld on the #WiiU I was not expecting that!
#rosalina #supermario3dworld #wiiu
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 une console #NintendoSwitch édition #SuperMarioBros et quelques jeux #supermario3dworld #mariotennisaces
#nintendoswitch #supermariobros #supermario3dworld #MarioTennisAces
Up to final Bowser on Super Mario 3D World on the WiiU.... That surprise change he makes with his costume 👌
#nintendoWiiU #supermario3dworld #bowser
#nintendowiiu #supermario3dworld #bowser
Peach is also playable from the beginning of #SuperMario3DWorld. Apparently the decision was made to not have her playable in #NewSuperMarioBros because her dress would have been too hard to animate (but, you know, they could do it on the NES…), but I guess better late than never.
#supermario3dworld #newsupermariobros
Ghost Miis are back in #SuperMario3DWorld! These updates are already available for our testers to try out!
Looool I know I'm a bit behind the times, but I love that the final boss in #SuperMario3DWorld is "the shit camera".
Very fitting for a 3D #Mario. 😌
#SM3DW #Gaming #VideoGames #SuperMario #WiiU #Switch #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch
#supermario3dworld #mario #sm3dw #gaming #videogames #supermario #wiiu #switch #nintendo #nintendoswitch
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 console et jeux #NintendoSwitchOled #AnimalCrossingNewHorizons #LegoStarWars #Sonic #SonicTheHedgehog #PokemonScarletViolet #supermario3dworld #FireEmblemEngage #TalesofSymphonia
#NintendoSwitchOLED #animalcrossingnewhorizons #legostarwars #sonic #sonicthehedgehog #PokemonScarletViolet #supermario3dworld #fireemblemengage #talesofsymphonia
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 console et jeux #NintendoSwitchLite #NintendoSwitch #Pikmin3Deluxe #Minecraft #SuperMario3dWorld #newsupermariobrosu
#NintendoSwitchLite #nintendoswitch #pikmin3deluxe #minecraft #supermario3dworld #newsupermariobrosu
Ich bin mal wieder heute am streamen auf https://www.twitch.tv/thorgelive
Heute erstmal den Rest der Aktuellen #MarioKartTour Winter Tour und dann noch etwas #SuperMario3DWorld.
Wir sehen uns ab 16:30 ^^
#mariokarttour #supermario3dworld
Nintendo Releases New ‘Nintendo Switch My Way’ Ad featuring Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury #Videos #Nintendo #NintendoSwitchFamilyofSystems #SuperMario3DWorld+Bowser'sFury https://www.kakarikoherald.com/videos/3800-nintendo-releases-new-nintendo-switch-my-way-ad-featuring-super-mario-3d-world-bowsers-fury
#videos #nintendo #nintendoswitchfamilyofsystems #supermario3dworld
Ich liebe ja #Game OSTs und als ich gesehen habe, dass jemand den #SuperMario3DWorld OST günstig und neu verkauft, musste ich zu schnappen! Derjenige hatte auch noch den OST zu #ZeldaALinkbetweenWorlds, aber bis ich das Geld dafür zusammen hatte, war der leider schon weg. 😢 Hat den zufällig jemand und will ihn verkaufen?
#game #supermario3dworld #zeldaalinkbetweenworlds
L'enfasi nel raccontare le sensazioni positive provate nei videogiochi ci sta. Ma forse la vera grandezza si nasconde in quelli che ti ammutoliscono.
Sto giocando per la prima volta
#SuperMario3DWorld ❤️
#supermario3dworld #videogames #videogiochi #wiiu
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 lot de jeux #NintendoSwitch #CupHead #supermario3dworld #CRISISCORE #FinalFantasyVII #AnimalCrossingNewHorizons #PokemonEcarlateViolet #PokemonScarlet #PokemonViolet #PokemonScarletViolet
#nintendoswitch #cuphead #supermario3dworld #crisiscore #finalfantasyvii #animalcrossingnewhorizons #pokemonecarlateviolet #PokemonScarlet #pokemonviolet #PokemonScarletViolet
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 lot de jeux #nintendods #Nintendo3DS #MarioKart7 #supermario3dworld #Pokemon #LEGO #LegoStarWars #legocity #AnimalCrossing
#NintendoDS #nintendo3ds #MarioKart7 #supermario3dworld #pokemon #lego #legostarwars #legocity #animalcrossing
10 anni fa usciva la #WiiU console #Nintendo poco fortunata, non capita, per certi versi avanti e per molti altri decisamente indietro.
Console però a cui sono affezionato, che mi ha fatto compagnia con le sue caratteristiche uniche e i suoi giochi. Su quel gamepad sono nate serie come #Splatoon #SuperMarioMaker #NintendoLand #CaptainToad. Senza dimenticare giochi che poi avrebbero brillato su #Switch come #MarioKart8, #NewSuperMarioBrosU, #SuperMario3DWorld e #ZeldaBoTW. Lunga vita alla WiiU!
#wiiu #nintendo #splatoon #supermariomaker #nintendoland #captaintoad #Switch #mariokart8 #newsupermariobrosu #supermario3dworld #zeldabotw
Cleo was not impressed with my #supermario3dworld skills 😁
#catdad #catsofmastodon #cats #cat #supermario3dworld