Doubtful an early-20s dude bro uses 'Jesus wept!' and other horror tropes from The Quarry.
Thank you for the follow/s - illarox
Sub/s - SkyAlokar, VulcanRyan
Bits - @jademelodyca
Raid - Mister_Wizzard
#thequarry #thequarrygame #supermassivegames
Can nine camp counsellors survive RightBigChimken...? Oh, and my actual Twitch Affiliate anniversary! I guess... The answer may surprise you.
Going live Sunday, 10 September | 19:00 - 23:00 UTC+1
#thequarry #thequarrygame #supermassivegames
Little Nightmares 3, niente co-op locale per preservare "l'atmosfera e immersione"
#BandaiNamco #littlenightmares3 #supermassivegames
- El primer anuncio fue el de #LittleNightmares3, una secuela del aclamado juego de terror y plataformas que ahora está desarrollado por #SupermassiveGames. El juego tendrá multijugador online y saldrá en 2024.
#littlenightmares3 #supermassivegames
Supermassive are making Little Nightmares 3, but are sticking close to the series' DNA - #MultiplayerCooperative #LittleNightmaresIII #SupermassiveGames #SinglePlayer #gamescom2023 #BandaiNamco #Platformer #Interview #Gamescom #Preview #Puzzle #Horror #PC
#pc #horror #puzzle #preview #gamescom #interview #platformer #bandainamco #gamescom2023 #singleplayer #supermassivegames #littlenightmaresiii #multiplayercooperative
Little Nightmares 3 annunciato, uscirà nel 2024
#BandaiNamco #LittleNightmares3 #OpeningNightLiveGamescom2023 #SupermassiveGames
#BandaiNamco #littlenightmares3 #openingnightlivegamescom2023 #supermassivegames
While I have been on Mastodon before, I might as well do a new #introduction for this account.
My name's Martyn, I'm 47 years old, and I'm a sysadmin by trade (going on ~27 years now). I've worked for web hosting companies, ISPs, web development companies, VFX studios (MPC), VFX software companies, and - most recently - moved into the computer games industry with #SupermassiveGames.
I love Macs, iPhones and all things Apple. HUGE TV & film freak. Sci-fi and comedy are my favourite genres.
#introduction #supermassivegames
A small video from my gameplay yesterday that I tried to edit on my phone a bit. 😊 May be a spoiler to some!!
#HouseOfAshes #TheDarkPicturesAnthology #SuperMassiveGames
#houseofashes #thedarkpicturesanthology #supermassivegames #shareyourgames
#SupermassiveGames, responsables de Until Dawn, The Quarry y Dark Pictures Anthology, está desarrollando un juego de terror para un jugador ambientado en el universo #DeadByDaylight.
#supermassivegames #deadbydaylight
Dead by Daylight, dei nuovi giochi sono in sviluppo presso Supermassive Games e Midwinter Entertainment
#deadbydaylight #midwinterentertainment #supermassivegames
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan è disponibile a sorpresa su Nintendo Switch
#BandaiNamco #supermassivegames #thedarkpicturesanthology
A newer series of #Games that I've been playing is #TheDarkPicturesAnthology.
I 100% #ManOfMedan.
I'm at about 90% of #LittleHope.
Eager to finish that and move to #HouseOfAshes and #TheDevilInMe.
#SupermassiveGames made some great games loads of fun in coop mode as well!
#shareyourgames #games #thedarkpicturesanthology #manofmedan #littlehope #houseofashes #thedevilinme #supermassivegames #gaming #playstation #coopgaming
Lo studio inglese Supermassive Games ha rilasciato un comunicato ufficiale su Twitter per scusarsi con i propri fans per il ritardo di Switchback VR, ambizioso progetto la cui uscita era prevista in concomitanza con il lancio di PlayStation VR2.
“Switchback VR è il nostro progetto in realtà virt...
#24Gennaio #News #Games #supermassivegames #psvr2
#psvr2 #supermassivegames #games #news #24gennaio
Seguimos la maratón de THE QUARRY con @ZephirTheBlack
🩸🔪 A ver si hoy va mejor 🤞 ¿Te vienes? 👀
Dixper activado con cartas de sustos + sonidos de sustos por bits!
#twitch #TwitchES #TheQuarry #supermassivegames #terror #horror #juegostodon #TheDarkPictures #TheDevilInMe #LittleHope #manofmedan #stream #streamer
#twitch #twitches #thequarry #supermassivegames #terror #horror #juegostodon #thedarkpictures #thedevilinme #littlehope #manofmedan #stream #streamer
Empezamos THE QUARRY🩸🔪 Hoy las decisiones también las toma @ZephirTheBlack 👀
¿Te vienes?
Dixper activado con cartas de sustos + sonidos de sustos por bits!
#twitch #TwitchES #TheQuarry #supermassivegames #terror #horror #juegostodon #TheDarkPictures #TheDevilInMe #LittleHope #manofmedan #stream #streamer
#twitch #twitches #thequarry #supermassivegames #terror #horror #juegostodon #thedarkpictures #thedevilinme #littlehope #manofmedan #stream #streamer
aaaa hoy y mañana estaré pasándome el The Quarry en directo!! 🥺 ¿Os pasáis?
🌷 🌷
#twitch #TwitchES #TheQuarry #supermassivegames #terror #horror #juegostodon #TheDarkPictures #TheDevilInMe #LittleHope #manofmedan #stream #streamer
#twitch #twitches #thequarry #supermassivegames #terror #horror #juegostodon #thedarkpictures #thedevilinme #littlehope #manofmedan #stream #streamer
I love Man of Medan a lot! So I wanted to support #SupermassiveGames.
I saw this, unfortunately not for #PS5, and I just orders it.
#ManOfMedan and #LittleHope, game 1 & 2 of the announced 8 games of this series. Four are out now.
#ShareYourGames #Gaming #PS4 #Playstation #DarkPicturesAnthology
#supermassivegames #ps5 #manofmedan #littlehope #shareyourgames #gaming #ps4 #playstation #darkpicturesanthology
Rolling the end credits on #SupermassiveGames #ManOfMedan
Still loads to do, I only grabbed a few trophies on my blind play through. 😊
Great game!
I saw part 2 on PS+premium as well.
But first I'll Google a guide for the other trophies, would love to 💯 it!
#ShareYourGames #Playstation #Playstation5 #PS5 #Gaming #Game
#supermassivegames #manofmedan #shareyourgames #playstation #playstation5 #ps5 #gaming #game
Why does #TheQuarry just feel like an interactive movie? Sure, half of the control given to the player in #UntilDawn was superficial, but at least it felt productive.
#TheQuarry #untildawn #supermassivegames
After finally finishing #SupermassiveGames #UntilDawn, I continued my journey through their #ManOfMedan game.
It has the same feelings for me, jumping here and there, wishing I wasn't alone 😂 yeah I'm bad 😂
#supermassivegames #untildawn #manofmedan #shareyourgames #gaming #ps5 #playstation