Does any of you use any kind of spaced repetition software like #Anki or #Supermemo? I'm a user but recently I've been having doubts.
These days, on holidays, I've been reading and making exercises on QFT and the Standard Model, trying to remember many things that I had forgotten. (I hate forgetting stuff I knew and I'm interested in, that's why I began with Anki).
But this material (QFT, SM) seems an impressive amount of work to be converted into flashcards, and I'm not sure if the benefits are worth the effort. Perhaps just revisiting the material in the book from time to time is more useful?
Widzę że mijają kolejne dekady a oryginalne supermemo twardo trzyma się starego interfejsu :)
Ja jestem już zbyt wygodny - teraz już tylko eTutor.