This is the best word picture of the formation of #supernovas and #neutronstars
I especially like the concept of using "cold atom experiments as analog #quantum #computers" to study the #vortices which occur in ultra-cold #gases below the Fermi temperature.
Sounds a little like trying to model the earth's atmosphere when thermodynamic properties are goosed by #climatechange
#supernovas #quantum #vortices #thermodynamics #computers #gases #climatechange #astronomy #astrophysics #neutronstars
Ars Technica: “Lensed” supernova could shed light on fundamental forces shaping Universe #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #acceleratinguniverse #gravitationallensing #generalrelativity #Hubble'sconstant #darkenergy #DarkMatter #supernovas #astronomy #Science #Physics #science
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #acceleratinguniverse #gravitationallensing #generalrelativity #hubble #darkenergy #darkmatter #supernovas #Astronomy #science #physics
“Lensed” supernova could shed light on fundamental forces shaping Universe - Enlarge / Gravitational lensing has revealed a previously unknown super... - #acceleratinguniverse #gravitationallensing #generalrelativity #hubblesconstant #darkenergy #darkmatter #supernovas #astronomy #science #physics
#physics #science #astronomy #supernovas #darkmatter #darkenergy #hubblesconstant #generalrelativity #gravitationallensing #acceleratinguniverse
#Supernovas are bright.
So bright that when you hold a nuclear bomb directly to your eye - compared to that the sun going Supernova would be a billion times brighter.
#Veritasium - How One #Supernova Measured The #Universe
#Science #Physics #Astronomy #Astrophysics #Optics #GR #GeneralRelativity #Supernovas #Supernovae #Lensing #GravitationalLensing #GravitationalLens #Cosmology
#cosmology #gravitationallens #gravitationallensing #lensing #supernovae #supernovas #generalrelativity #gr #optics #astrophysics #astronomy #physics #science #universe #supernova #veritasium
CULTURA| Bróker astronómico chileno "ALeRCE" crea herramienta para identificar de forma automática las #galaxias donde se producen nuevas #supernovas
Argon #atoms make up ~1% of our atmosphere and undergo almost no chemical reactions. They basically float around indefinitely. In 1967 Harlow Shapley noted that their permanence means we all literally share breath and have shared it with every human ever alive.
Argon-36 is the most common argon isotope in the universe. It’s often produced by stellar nucleosynthesis in #supernovas. In fact it was the first noble-gas #molecule detected in #space.
#science #space #molecule #supernovas #atoms
Argon #atoms make up ~1% of our atmosphere and undergo almost no chemical reactions. They basically float around indefinitely. In 1967 Harlow Shapley noted that their permanence means we all literally share breath and have shared it with every human ever alive.
Argon-36 is the most common argon isotope in the universe. It’s often produced by stellar nucleosynthesis in #supernovas. In fact it was the first noble-gas #molecule detected in #space.
#science #space #molecule #supernovas #atoms Always Awesome animations from #kurzgesagt. This time about #Supernovas. 👍 #space
#kurzgesagt #supernovas #space Always Awesome videos from #kurzgesagtmerch. This time about #Supernovas. 👍 #space
#kurzgesagtmerch #supernovas #space
Capturas de la #Luna, #Planetas, #Messiers, #Supernovas.
Resumen de #Observaciones #Astronómicas del 9 de julio de 2022.
Todo el contenido usando #softwarelibre :
#gimp #kdenlive #inkscape #kstars
#luna #planetas #Messiers #supernovas #observaciones #astronómicas #softwarelibre #gimp #kdenlive #inkscape #kstars
RT @EITManufactur: 🔊 Last call to apply for #StartupStairway!!
🤖 If you are a deep-tech or high-tech startup interested in recruiting talented women 👩🏽💻 with an excellent academic track record, join us in this adventure!
Eager to know more? 👇🏼
#entrepreneurship #supernovas
#StartupStairway #entrepreneurship #supernovas
9 de enero, pero del año 1998: Dos equipos de colaboraciones #internacionales de #científicos anunciaron el descubrimiento de que las #galaxias se aceleran, se separan a velocidades cada vez más rápidas, al observar #estrellas antiguas y distantes en explosión.
Esta observación, nombrada como el "Avance del #año de 1998" por la revista #Science, implica la existencia de una propiedad misteriosa y autorepelente del espacio.
Investigadores de #Inglaterra, #Francia, #Alemania y #Suecia se encuentraban entre los miembros del Proyecto de Cosmología de #Supernovas con sede en el Laboratorio #Nacional de Berkeley y el Equipo de #Búsqueda de Supernovas High-z con sede en #Australia.
#Australia #búsqueda #nacional #supernovas #suecia #Alemania #francia #inglaterra #Science #año #estrellas #galaxias #científicos #internacionales
Chapter 2 is in the works. Honestly this time. #supernovascomic #supernovas #webcomic #comics #art #digitalart
#DigitalArt #art #comics #webcomic #supernovas #supernovascomic
De astrónomos y carpinteros
via @SeverianX
#hilodeciencia #comunicaciencia #astronomía #biología #botánica #supernovas
Some little doodles of my OCs from a prompt the other day. I really like these? Makes me want to do stickers or something 🤔
#art #mastoart #ocs #supernovas #originalcharacter #webcomic #chibi #doodle #comic
#comic #doodle #chibi #webcomic #OriginalCharacter #supernovas #ocs #MastoArt #art
Oh wow. Phil Plait on a really big BOOM.
"This is the single most powerful and luminous confirmed supernova ever seen. [...] [I]t was emitting energy at a rate 100 billion times the Sun’s output."
#astronomy #space #supernovas #stars
Just two slutty bois
I haven’t even drawn any supernovas in months n I feel terrible about it!! Nova will always be my number one 🥰
#myoc #supernovas #mastoart #goodomens #crowley #novavantegan
#novavantegan #crowley #goodomens #MastoArt #supernovas #myoc
Two fabulous redheads 😉
Tbh I get a lot of Crowley’s fashion sense from how I picture Juno (certainly not as flamboyant but they have the same vibe to me.)
#mastoart #art #goodomens #crowley #supernovas #myoc #originalcharacter #junobagley #fashion
#fashion #junobagley #OriginalCharacter #myoc #supernovas #crowley #goodomens #art #MastoArt
reminder that my webcomic features an ace/aro protagonist and a whole buttload of LGBT+ characters if you are, you know. interested in that ;)
:heart_sp_trans: :heart_sp_bi: :heart_sp_les: :heart_sp_ace: :heart_sp_pan:
#pride #pridemonth #webcomics #supernovas
#supernovas #webcomics #pridemonth #pride