Joko zaila benetan. Egin beharreko mugimenduak jakinda ere, nire erantzun abiadura nahiko baxua da azken arerioak erraz gailentzeko. Zahartzen ote? Neure buruarekin zintzo eginez, gauez eta mentalki nekatuta aritu naiz jokoan, beraz, pozik amaitu izanagatik.
#snes #superpunchout #bideojokoak
#snes #superpunchout #bideojokoak
Bank holiday #snes gaming session. Super Punch Out. I remember getting this from Dixon's in Skipton as a kid, removing the cellophane & loving the fact it had actual voice audio in the game. Still plays really well all these years on #retrogamer #SuperPunchOut #punchout
#punchout #superpunchout #retrogamer #snes
Super Punch-Out!! Blindfolded Race at GDQx 2019
Watching a lot of speedruns, as I've said before, can give you a distorted view of what video game difficulty is actually like. Speedrunning has been a going hobby for well over a decade now. New strategies are worked out and evolve. If they're good ones, they become a part of everyone's runs and a
#retro #gdq #hootey #punchout #retro #snes #speedrun #superpunchout #zallard
#zallard #superpunchout #speedrun #snes #punchout #hootey #gdq #retro