Marc · @m2c_n3e
161 followers · 318 posts · Server

My favourite cartridge for the , the v5 is getting a lot of love recently. I replaced the EEPROM of one of the clones I built with a 128kB specimen and flashed Adrian Gonzales' SnappyROM. Now I can also use it with the . I also updated my to the most recent firmware version which can also load the SnappyROM now. I heard rumors about the ROM for a few years and I am happy that it is finally available for everybody now.

#c64 #supersnapshot #SD2IEC #KungFuFlash #retrocomputing

Last updated 2 years ago

Marc · @m2c_n3e
161 followers · 318 posts · Server

Adrian Gonzales has released SnappyROM, an unofficial update for the v5 cartridge for the , via GitHub ( and the has just received an update which allows to load 128kB SuperSnapshot ROM images. 😃 I guess it is time to update the KFF and maybe even buy and flash a 128kB EPROM to try it with one of the SuperSnapshot clones I built some time ago. @commodore64

#supersnapshot #c64 #KungFuFlash

Last updated 2 years ago