Just reading about centrist #SuperTanskiii and her antisemitism.
This is the world we live in. The racists appoint themselves as the anti-racists then brand actual anti-racists as racists.
Distopia Warning ⚠️
Fuck the Tories
#toriesbrokebritain #tories #torybritain #supertanskiii
#ToriesBrokeBritain #tories #torybritain #supertanskiii
supertanskiii Distopia Warning ⚠️
In general I've been loving it here, but the rapid harassment & summary removal of #Supertanskiii is a really worrying sign of things to come. I've seen a good few big-name tweeters come over in the last week or two. If this can happen to her it can happen to them too, & they'll soon be gone, & the place will be worse for it.
#supertanskiii #mastodon #harassment #twitter