It is time for our next open-source-only gaming event! It will take place Saturday September 23rd, starting at 12:00UTC.
We have two newcomers this time, #HyperSomnia and #FTEQW with #LibreQuake.
We will also have a #SuperTuxKart tournament with a prize!
Finally, we will also play #bzflag and #lix, so that will be a lot of fun.
See also our news post at
#hypersomnia #fteqw #librequake #supertuxkart #bzflag #lix
Si vous êtes autour de #Nancy ce week-end, faites un détour au parc des sports de Vandœuvre !
C'est le #VandœuvreInGame, et il y aura plusieurs stands autour du numérique libre et solidaire : #OpenStreetMap, #FabriqueDesPossibles et la Fabrique Collective de la Culture du Libre.
Et on vous permettra de faire la course sur #SuperTuxKart dans les rues de Vandœuvre, un circuit réalisé en grande partie grâce à #Blender et aux données OSM !
Viendez !
#nancy #vandœuvreingame #OpenStreetMap #fabriquedespossibles #supertuxkart #blender
Mae modd chwarae'r gêm wych SuperTuxKart yn Gymraeg bellach
Did you know?
You can run #SuperTuxKart (and crash into pumpkins) on #MobileLinux #librem5 #debian
#supertuxkart #mobilelinux #librem5 #debian
Чуток надрочился.
SuperTux skill level, STK Enterprise, Time Trial.
Time: 01:59.188
Evet güncellemeler bitti. Bu çeyrekte #OBSStudio 'nun PulsuAdudio'ya göbekten bağlı olduğunu, Electron'un patentli codecler olmadan çalışmadığını, #Firefox ve Firefox temelli yazılımların #JACK modunda #Capture yapamadığını öğrendim. Bir de 2022 Kasım ayında #SuperTuxKart 'ın #GamePad kullanamamasına yol açan son version #SDL paketinin çökme sorunu düzeltilmiş ve artık oyun gamepadimi algılıyor. Bir sonraki çeyrekte görüşmek üzere #Derleme ile kalın.
#derleme #sdl #gamepad #supertuxkart #Capture #jack #firefox #obsstudio
@Nouvanity #Barony, #Mindustry #BeyondAllReason, #CataclysmDDA, #Ryzom, #SuperTuxKart are some others cool #FOSS games on #Steam.
#foss #barony #mindustry #beyondallreason #cataclysmdda #ryzom #supertuxkart #steam
#SuperTuxKart is a #GPL 3.0 licensed free and #opensource racing #game that allows you to play as many iconic (and some lesser known) #linux mascots. A community supported project available on #linux #windows #mac #android and whatever else you can fit it on!
Check out the official site and get playing:
#supertuxkart #gpl #opensource #game #linux #windows #mac #android
I love that there is #SuperTuxKart for Android, nothing like racing as my favorite desktop environment rat on the go. We need more quality #FOSS mobile games.
#SuperTuxKart endlich wieder mal einen Grandeprix gewonnen.
Es waren keine dunklen Strecken dabei (Mine und Geisterschloß … ) deshalb freue mich über den 1.Platz in der Kategorie Silber
@foxxo @kiber_ogur4ik
Как тут не пройти мимо и не рассказать про первый российский #SuperTuxKart cервер...
Got my #jsaux backplate for my #SteamDeck :) so many emulators will be used on this thing. But most importantly: #supertuxkart
#jsaux #SteamDeck #supertuxkart
#togomo kart pack :
3 #supertuxkart :
1) Pingmy
2) Tux
3) MechaTux
Also available in SuperTuxKart - Addon section !!!
A few games I play(ed):
* #Xonotic (FPS)
* #Widelands (RTS)
* #FreeCol (4X)
* #Hedgewars (turn-based strategy)
* #SuperTuxKart (racing)
* #OpenTTD (econony sim)
* #FreedroidRPG (RPG)
* #Lix (Puzzle)
(I'm biased of course since I am involved in the development of a few of these, esp. Hedgewars. 😜)
#xonotic #widelands #freecol #hedgewars #supertuxkart #openttd #freedroidrpg #lix
Well, I got an #AlpineLinux box working on my old laptop with an #Openbox desktop running #tint2 as its taskbar, #Xfce terminal, and #Falkon as its web browser.
It can confidently run #SuperTuxKart and #Minetest and I'm working on seeing if I can get #Minecraft running.
It's still more than a little clunky and held together with duct tape, but I love this thing. This is probably how my little brother feels when he's tinkering with his truck.
#alpinelinux #openbox #tint2 #xfce #falkon #supertuxkart #minetest #minecraft
Torneo de videojuegos libres en el marco del #FLISoL2023 #córdoba
Viernes 21 de abril - 19hs.
~ Xonotic
~ 0ad
#supertuxkart #stk #0ad #xonotic
#videojuegosLibres #jugandoenlinux #torneoOnline
#flisol2023 #cordoba #supertuxkart #stk #0ad #xonotic #videojuegosLibres #jugandoenlinux #torneoonline
Пытаюсь выяснить как в #SuperTuxKart работают трамплины.