@mhd @Lane @Chaosium @ttrpg I think that's why #Chaosium hadn't done anything with #BRP for >10 years until #ORC came along. Now they're hinting in their forums that they're going to revive some of their older BRP games like #Superworld. I think that's a good move. If there's a bad move here, it will be undermarketing their new ORC games.
#chaosium #brp #orc #superworld
@mhd @Chaosium @ttrpg Yeah, releasing the #HERO system under #ORC would be great! Wouldn't it be terrific to make HERO and #GURPS and #BRP all compatible? #Chaosium #Superworld is powerful and flexible, but adding HERO rules and powers would be splendid.
A man can dream.
#hero #orc #gurps #brp #chaosium #superworld #ttrpg
@cybergoths @ttrpg @Chaosium My first game was AD&D as GM and player, followed by a bit of #Traveller (I'm not sure I ever got to play, as the chargen was exhausting). I briefly GMed a homebrew #BasicRoleplaying game called #Superheroes Against #Cthulhu (#CoC and #Superworld). I've also played #Fiasco, and probably some other stuff I can't recall. I don't have time to GM these days, but I keep hoping someone will run a #BRP or #GURPS game that will appeal.
#traveller #basicroleplaying #superheroes #cthulhu #coc #superworld #Fiasco #brp #gurps