CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
655 followers · 33187 posts · Server
DesertPaws · @Desertpaws
4 followers · 47 posts · Server

A follow-up to my earlier . During the latter part of Covid and afterward, inflation hit America, and corporate America explained that it was caused by increases in labor and materials. That's fine except for one major result; excess profits. If prices were raised on the final product just to cover the increase in labor and materials, then the profit margin for those items would have stayed around the same, and net profits would not have soared.

Instead, corporations were greedy and saw the opportunity to increase prices above their added cost, thus increasing and exasperating the inflation burden on America citizens. Then, at their quarterly earnings meetings, they announced abundant earnings. Once again, greed raised its ugly head, and continue to refuse to roll back the Trump tax cuts to alleviate the current . A crisis that they have manufactured. Yet, a segment of the voting population continues to vote and retain these in government.

#supplyanddemand #republicans #DebtCeiling #Scumbags

Last updated 1 year ago

DesertPaws · @Desertpaws
4 followers · 45 posts · Server

Americans need to take a hard look at the whole idea of , especially when it comes to . I read about cities instituting rent control/stabilization and how some residents are up in arms about it. Rent increases when demand is high, but why is that? Other than property taxes, the cost associated with that place doesn't change from month to month except for the penchant of the landlord to increase their . But how much profit turns into pure greed? Is 10% or 15% profit high enough to live well? Is 25%? Does 30% become greedy? That's the question we wrestle with. How much profit becomes too much at the expense of the consumer and society as a whole.

#supplyanddemand #rent #profitmargin

Last updated 1 year ago

Global News: ‘I don’t take days off’: Small business owners face brutal hours in talent crunch

Why is it businesses only think only applies to pricing? It's simple you have a shortage of potential employees (supply) and a huge pool of employers (demand) looking for them, the answer is basic you have to pay more, ie. Pay your employees a better wage, and have better benefits. If you don't, you'll go out of business, and deserve too!

#supplyanddemand #economics101

Last updated 2 years ago

Tato Pece · @Pece
488 followers · 2693 posts · Server

I have been thinking about this article:

What Australia Allocating 30% Of Land Mass For Endangered Species Means For Species Recovery - By the

The crazy thing is: currently, 22% of the land in is already conserved, so we are talking about adding another 8% over the next 10 years!

I propose increasing the goals to 50% by 2030 (there's lots of desert in Australia so I really don't see this as a hard problem for the politicians to game for extra browny points), for land to be used exclusively for non human purposes and conservation.

But of course, there's untapped mining potential and untapped land that can be used to grow non native (invasive) species such as , , , and , and we can't let profits and self centred selfish goals get in the way of the common good, God forbid we think about the native and unique species of Australia.

What are some ways we can help in getting Australia (and the rest of the world) to 50% of planet Earth to be untouched by humans, and (pardon my words 😂) left the fuck alone?

1. Buy the land or parcel of land and donate to a Nature Conservancy. Here is a local example from :

2. If you don't have the land or a lot of wealth, you can . Yes, I harp on it all the time, but in our society is key.

Which option is easier? 🌱


#endangeredspeciescoalition #australia #cows #pigs #chickens #sheep #victoria #govegan #supplyanddemand #porquenolosdos #vegan #vegans #veganism #VeganForTheAnimals #animalrights

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron · @hosford42
390 followers · 2817 posts · Server

are a form of micromanagement, and they ignore supply and demand. If a price is set too low or isnt adjusted frequently enough, it can wreak havoc, sometimes even causing producers to lose money or get out of the business altogether. This is the opposite of what price controls are intended for: Making sure that people can purchase what they need.

If we instead put a cap on the operating (as a maximum percentage), companies will never be forced to operate at a loss as a result, since prices are still allowed to flex based on . And yet it still puts an upper limit on the contribution of increasing to the problem of , and prevents price gouging.

#pricecontrols #profitmargin #supplyanddemand #profits #inflation

Last updated 2 years ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
426 followers · 19213 posts · Server
itsveganjim · @itsveganjim
426 followers · 1485 posts · Server
KinoGhoul · @KinoGhoul
162 followers · 1303 posts · Server
Daniel Mahnken · @danielmahnken
9 followers · 124 posts · Server

Agricultural investment required to manage food shortages.

#supplyanddemand #productshortages #seasonalchallenges

Last updated 2 years ago

DTCochrane · @DTCochrane
160 followers · 35 posts · Server

Explaining a with ” is like explaining a death with “died”.

#price #supplyanddemand

Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Mahnken · @danielmahnken
5 followers · 29 posts · Server

How flow-casting works and why it’s important.

#supplyanddemand #Retail #retailsupplychain

Last updated 2 years ago

Whoever said prices are based on supply and demand is full of shit.
Raising prices because demand is low? Good luck with driving away more customers.
They're doing the same in Boston with the T.

#pricegouging #supplyanddemand #mbta #subway

Last updated 2 years ago

@Effortless but yeah, let’s pay them like the men🙄


Last updated 2 years ago

Ingrid Hoeben Ⓥ 🇧🇪 · @IngridHbn
619 followers · 1571 posts · Server
John Harris · @harrisj99
3 followers · 13 posts · Server

Often during election cycles, the parties pull out old tropes to explain current events. For example, claim to put money back in people's pockets while claim Ds are responsible for . However, as this article highlights, the cost of goods is more complicated than these simple partisan tropes but maybe as simple as basic .
"Why the price of eggs went up in Colorado this year" via The Colorado Sun:

#democrats #republicans #inflation #supplyanddemand

Last updated 2 years ago

Pete · @forpeterssake
145 followers · 221 posts · Server

A really good piece on housing from Jerusalem Demsas in The Atlantic:

Housing Breaks People’s Brains

"Supply skepticism and shortage denialism are pushing against the actual solution to the housing crisis: building enough homes."

#housing #supplyanddemand

Last updated 2 years ago

Cryptocurrency News Worldwide · @CryptoBot
1259 followers · 64445 posts · Server
Bitcoin Magazine · @bitcoinmagazine
2280 followers · 16786 posts · Server

RT @MarathonDH
What happens to price when demand outstrips supply? Here's one opinion: "The price model projects price to reach $1,000,000 near the fifth halving around 2028."

#Econ101 #supplyanddemand #bitcoin #hodl

Last updated 3 years ago

dick_turpin · @dick_turpin
515 followers · 13732 posts · Server

Hmm? Lots of people have been searching Google play for "mastodon social" sounds like an opening to me.


Last updated 8 years ago