fydelity bags https://highfydelity.com/collections/cassette-tapes, my blank tape source, is a little slow fulfilling my last couple orders and now i am out of blank tape #alas #SupplyChainIssues #mixtapes
#mixtapes #supplychainissues #alas
Mostly #Greed and #ProfitGouging, with a side of #BirdFlu and sprinkles of extra #SupplyChainIssues
Here’s Why So Many Grocery Store Staples Are So Expensive Right Now
#food #inflation #capitalism
#greed #ProfitGouging #birdflu #supplychainissues #food #inflation #capitalism
Optimism for the EV market declines as supply chain issues and a potential recession hit.
#SupplyChainIssues #environmentalengineering #IndustryInsight
#supplychainissues #environmentalengineering #industryinsight
Good to see the #2023 North American Leaders summit addressed #SupplyChainIssues, #Migration, and #Climate Change. All critical issues
#Climate #migration #supplychainissues
ECB Raises Benchmark Rate by 75bps and Tones Down Long-Term Refinancing Operations
#Inflationarypressures #EuropeanCentralBank #Eurozoneinflation #supplychainissues #ChristineLagarde #Europeinflation #GermanInflation #inflationlevels #FederalReserve #9.9%inflation #Euroinflation #CentralBanks #ECBPresident #ECBratehikes #EurostatCPI #protesters #Economics #BreadCost #Europeans
#Inflationarypressures #EuropeanCentralBank #Eurozoneinflation #supplychainissues #ChristineLagarde #Europeinflation #GermanInflation #inflationlevels #federalreserve #Euroinflation #centralBanks #ECBPresident #ECBratehikes #EurostatCPI #protesters #economics #BreadCost #Europeans
Euro Area Annual Inflation Jumps to 9.9% in September, Cost of Bread Skyrockets, Protests Erupt
#Inflationarypressures #NordStreamsabotage #Eurozoneinflation #PhilippHeimberger #supplychainissues #businessesmoving #Belgianbakeries #Europeinflation #GermanInflation #inflationlevels #9.9%inflation #Euroinflation #EurostatCPI #UKinflation #USInflation #protesters #Economics
#Inflationarypressures #NordStreamsabotage #Eurozoneinflation #PhilippHeimberger #supplychainissues #businessesmoving #Belgianbakeries #Europeinflation #GermanInflation #inflationlevels #Euroinflation #EurostatCPI #ukinflation #USInflation #protesters #economics
#US GDP gain slows down in 3Q due to #supplychainissues #crisis #collapse https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-11-02-us-gdp-gain-slows-down-in-third-quarter.html
#collapse #crisis #supplychainissues #us
#US GDP gain slows down in 3Q due to #supplychainissues #crisis #collapse
#collapse #crisis #supplychainissues #us