"After #DeSantis released his #economic plan last wk, #WSJ called it “unstable.” The editorial praised some parts while criticizing less trade w/ China, less immigration & federal action to ease #StudentDebt.
WSJ's editorial page aligns w/ the #Republican Party frm #Reagan til #Trump favoring laissez-faire, small-govt, light regulation, low taxes & govt benefits, high levels trade & immigration." Think #MiltonFriedman
Problem is it doesn't work. #NYT #SupplySide & #Reaganomics Suck #Bidenomics
#Bidenomics #reaganomics #supplyside #nyt #miltonfriedman #Trump #reagan #republican #studentdebt #wsj #economic #desantis
For those who have time for some heavier reading, this is why we say, 'No new coal or gas'.
Link to PDF:
#Climate #ClimateEmegency #Economics #RichardDenniss #SupplySide
#climate #climateemegency #economics #richarddenniss #supplyside
For years, #economists spoke about #supplyside "constraints" in the #indianeconomy. This was followed by the "loosening" of #fiscal #policy geared towards #taxcuts and schemes such as the #production #linked #incentive to address chronic #shortages, #inflation, and #under #capacity.
We now have a #demand #contraction as well with #ratehikes and #rural #distress. Mind you, the "growth" we see is purely #consumption driven by the #middleclass and the #rich.
#economists #supplyside #indianeconomy #fiscal #policy #taxcuts #production #linked #incentive #shortages #inflation #under #capacity #demand #contraction #ratehikes #rural #distress #consumption #middleclass #rich
The distinction between supply side and demand side is dangerous propaganda. The idea is that the supply side supplies consumer goods that are demanded by the demand side.
But the supply side demands labor and the demand side supplies it. The supply side demands surplus value and the demand side supplies it. Without labor there's nothing to either supply or demand.
It suits their narrative, though, to pretend that they're giving us stuff that we demand instead of forcing us to supply stuff that they demand.
#anarchism #supplyside #demandside #economics #propaganda
Of all of the Reaganite economic programs implemented, which was the most destructive and why? #RonaldReagan #supplyside #Taxcuts #HistoryofCapitalism
- slashing upper income taxes from 70 to 28%
- undermining labor unions
- Robert Bork view of antitrust
- SEC allows stock buybacks
- privatization
- #Deregulation of banks → Savings and Loans scandal (and maybe later the same mentality leading to 2008?)
- elimination of the #FairnessDoctrine in media
- something else?
#ronaldreagan #supplyside #taxcuts #historyofcapitalism #deregulation #fairnessdoctrine