For those of you who are interested in learning accurate current information on events in Ukraine I highly recommend that you visit the and listen to their Twitter Space. Slava Ukraini!
#supportdemocracy #supporttruth #supportfreedom #supportUkraine
@atomicpoet @JonChevreau I believe this 100% and it's frustrating to hear people say otherwise.
#leavetwitter #supportdemocracy
@SparkleTea Thanks for the recommendation. What I actually meant was that people interested in a certain topic will search hashtags to see what others have tooted about that topic. That way you can attract and connect with others who are interested in that topic. So far, I've had the most response to #cats and #DoctorWho but I still hold out hope for #RecuseThomas #SupremeCourtEthics #SCOTUS #SupportDemocracy and #ExpandTheCourt.
#cats #doctorwho #recusethomas #supremecourtethics #scotus #supportdemocracy #expandthecourt