@Danielmorgan @seachanger good reminder to support: https://hub.fosstodon.org/support/
Something about those who offer you a “free” product only to find yourself to be the product.
#supportfoss you love
#supportfoss #foss #righttorepair
Cheers to those anonymous heroes that contribute to everyone's privacy!
#privacy #grapheneos #security #android #crypto #donate #supportfoss
#privacy #grapheneos #security #android #crypto #donate #supportfoss
just donated 10€ to @octoprint - thanks @foosel for this great piece of software which gave my non-networked printer a network-controlling upgrade with a lot of additional features! #supportfoss
For those who haven't noticed, I really want to get #CoffeeDonation trending, because it's important that we support (a) our local servers and (b) the devs who make this all possible. If you've ever bought a coffee for a friend, you can do this!
#coffeedonation #supportfoss #mastodon #fediverse #reachcriticalmass
#introduction Hi, I'm t3mp0r4ry on most platforms, but you can just call me t3mp or temp. I like doing cool things with the web and linux! Sometimes I soft-mod video game consoles and other random hardware I own because why not
tl;dr average tilde.club-er but also video games and stuff
#nintendo #tildeclub #modding #supportfoss #linux #web
#introduction #nintendo #tildeclub #modding #supportfoss #linux #web