"My story is the story of everyone (and everything) I’ve ever met.” -Extremely loud and incredibly close
#communitybuilding #community #everyonebelongs #everyoneiswelcome #weallneedsupport #supportiveculture #supportivecommunity
#communitybuilding #community #everyonebelongs #everyoneiswelcome #weallneedsupport #supportiveculture #supportivecommunity
My story is the story of everyone (and everything) I’ve ever met.” -Extremely loud and incredibly close
#communitybuilding #community #everyonebelongs #everyoneiswelcome #weallneedsupport #supportiveculture #supportivecommunity
#communitybuilding #community #everyonebelongs #everyoneiswelcome #weallneedsupport #supportiveculture #supportivecommunity
My story is the story of everyone (and everything) I’ve ever met.” -Extremely loud and incredibly close
#communitybuilding #community #everyonebelongs #everyoneiswelcome #weallneedsupport #supportiveculture #supportivecommunity
#communitybuilding #community #everyonebelongs #everyoneiswelcome #weallneedsupport #supportiveculture #supportivecommunity
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Kruh o spoznávaní životoDARného podHUBia z ktorého môžeme čerpať podporu a silu.
O tvorení HUBov a jadier a vzájomnej podpory. V Jadierku 19.12.2022 18:00.
Vedie robo jankovich & Robo Zelnik
- aj MASTODONt bude s nami!
Spolu to poskladáme! :)
robin cube 3D to 2D simulation
Pozýva na
Kruh o tvorení životoDARného podHUBia z ktorého môžeme čerpať podporu a silu.
O prepojeniach a vzájomnej podpore 19.12.2022 v Stupave.
Vedie robo jankovich & Robo Zelnik
- aj MASTODONt bude s nami -