Nurses’ leader blasts Steve Barclay over ‘disgraceful’ use of legal action to stop strike | Nursing | The Guardian
"The leader of the Royal College of Nursing has said a legal attempt by the health secretary to block next weekend’s strike in England is “frightening for democracy and very frightening for trade unionism”."
Pay nurses a decent wage!
#NHS #Tories #Strikes #Neoliberalism #SupportWorkers #SupportNHS
#nhs #tories #strikes #neoliberalism #supportworkers #supportnhs
£14 an hour!! That is all. At the moment Pret A Manger pays its barrista’s £14…. Pay restoration would increase their salary to £19 an hour. £19 an hour for all they do (not to mention their debt) is quite frankly a bargain! #PayRestoration #JuniorDoctorStrikes #JuniorDoctor #supportNHS #SupportJuniorDoctors
#PayRestoration #JuniorDoctorStrikes #JuniorDoctor #supportnhs #supportjuniordoctors
As Turkey is hit by a major earthquake,remember that Iran continues to hit Turkish bases in Kurdistan.The #LittleMenWithMissiles scourge continues to stalk #OurEarth #SupportNHS #GeneralElection
#littlemenwithmissiles #ourearth #supportnhs #generalelection
NHS Workers,Teaching Staff & others are in the equivalent to a bad panic attack,overworked,stressed & underpaid;imagine how painful that is,visceral too,and look at this callous "government" piling it on!Shameful !! #SupportTeachers #SupportNHS
Seeing so many of these #SNHS tremendous stories which is in complete contrast to the narrative the British are painting of the services in Scotland. I know who I believe, and it isn’t and her anti-Scottish motley crew. #DissolveTheUnion #supportNHS
#supportnhs #DissolveTheUnion #snhs
Despite what the NHS haters and Tories say, this is the truth of our nurses/doctors/health workers.
#banksy #nhs #supportNHS #supportthestrikes #supportthenurses #healthworkers #nevertrustaTory
#nevertrustatory #healthworkers #SupportTheNurses #supportthestrikes #supportnhs #nhs #banksy
The hypocrisy of the #ToryScum is everlasting & predictable. Clap on a Thu - Fire on a Mon…
#savetheNHS #supportNHS #SupportTheStrikes #NHS #NHSCrisis #ToryLies #ToryScum #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesCostLives
#ToryScum #saveTheNHS #supportnhs #SupportTheStrikes #nhs #nhscrisis #ToryLies #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #toriescostlives
Control the spread in schools
Give EVERY Child
#CleanAir to BREATHE
#TripleDemic plus
Covid19 Flu RSV StrepA
Where's the
Economical cost effective
#AirfilterUnit's ?
Health #Filtration Kit
Cheaper than PICU
Than ONE COMPUTER maintained
Every Classroom
#supportnhs #WearAMask #cleanair #ProtectTheChildren #tripledemic #airfilterunit #filtration
Doctors criticise ‘delusional’ Rishi Sunak for denying NHS is in crisis | NHS | The Guardian
"Amid mounting anger over shortages and delays that could be causing unnecessary deaths, doctors and opposition parties reacted with scorn, anger and disbelief to comments made by the prime minister’s official spokesperson at a Downing Street briefing."
@kityates Kit, please just ignore if no interest / no time, I really appreciate the invaluable commentary from you & #IndependentSage - but I have been intrigued to discover the resonances from 1796 when the 21-yr old #JaneAusten started writing #PrideAndPrejudice, & how her characters encapsulate perspectives dividing #UKpolitics then & now.
🧵 ending at
#LivingIncome #LivingWage #UKgov #NHS #nurses #doctors #PoorLaws #NHSpay #UKstrikes #solidarity #SupportNHS 💙
#IndependentSage #JaneAusten #prideandprejudice #ukpolitics #livingincome #livingwage #ukgov #nhs #nurses #doctors #poorlaws #nhspay #ukstrikes #solidarity #supportnhs
@Tony_Meredith Thanks for drawing my attention to the relevance of #PrideAndPrejudice to #UKpolitics today. 225 years ago #Britain had a #Tory #PrimeMinister pushing for a fairer society with a #LivingIncome & an expansion of #WelfareBenefits. He was supported by many enlightened landowners but undermined by proponents of low taxes, #TrickleDownEconomics, & #charity. All astutely observed by #JaneAusten!
#WilliamPitt #PoorLaws #FairPay #MinimumWage
#Edmund Burke #CatherineDeBourgh
#prideandprejudice #ukpolitics #britain #tory #primeminister #livingincome #welfarebenefits #trickledowneconomics #charity #JaneAusten #williampitt #poorlaws #fairpay #minimumwage #edmund #catherinedebourgh #supportnhs
Wish journalists would be more honest with figures. Average is meaningless unless they say what they are averaging. Ceo earning a million and a single cleaner earning minimum wage the average is pretty high. If you have a thousand cleaners on min wage the average is still high but meaningless when talking about the wage of the minimum worker. The average is whatever the speaker wants it to mean
Get pay and conditions negotiations in public so we can understand the real story.
@AliQuack Best #advice ever. The #inflammaTORY language from #UKGovt this morning is a disgrace and will make people dig their heels in all the more.
#SupportTheStrikers #SupportNHS #BackTheAmbulanceWorkers
#advice #inflammatory #UKGovt #SupportTheStrikers #supportnhs #BackTheAmbulanceWorkers
@Tony_Meredith However, the general reader would surely have recognised an allusion to #EdmundBurke, & the contrast to #EarlFitzwilliam & the D’Arcy & Darby families who supported Pitt’s proposals to help the poor. Burke also opposed the meritocracy which enabled the rise of Jane's brothers.
I recommend ‘#PrideAndPrejudice and the #PoorLaws’ by Sheryl Craig,
- fascinating in the context of current #UKpolitics!
#edmundburke #earlfitzwilliam #prideandprejudice #poorlaws #ukpolitics #JaneAusten #fairpay #minimumwage #safetynet #supportnhs
“I’m disappointed, frustrated, I find it really sad that it’s come to this. We don’t want to be here. We shouldn’t need to do this."
Jane Mathhews,
Paediatrics Nurse,
Posted @withrepost • @scroobiuspipyo Big love & support to everyone striking today.
In these times action needs to be taken.
Again & again.
#supportthenhs #supportnhs #fairpayfornursing #nursesstrike
#supportthenhs #supportnhs #fairpayfornursing #nursesstrike
The government and right wing media commentators won't often mention this, but it's true.
An Ipsos poll found that over half (52%) of the British public support the strikes, with only 27% against. When you take away the don't knows that means around two thirds of the British public support the strikes.
This figure is consistent with all the polling that has been done in the last few months on the topic of nursing staff strikes.
#supportnhs #supportthenurses #nursesstrike
@ProjectFearlessness I have never before lived in a country where Government policy might actively contribute to my death. But that is where we are in the UK these days.
#supportnhs #supportnurses #mentalhealth