If a government blocks necessary workers from striking and refuses to pay them fairly then they'll quit rather than be overworked for peanuts.
#JoinAUnion #SupportTheRailWorkers #SupportNHSStaff #SupportNHSNurses #SupportTeachers
#joinaunion #supporttherailworkers #supportnhsstaff #supportnhsnurses #supportteachers
A message from the Government “avoid risky activities’. Prsemably that includes activities such as crossing a road or driving a car?
A message from the Government “avoid risky activities’. Prsemably that includes activities such as crossing a road or driving a car?
This is the news as is should be reported;
#supportnhsnurses #toriesout #ToryCorruption
Remember when Rishi Sunak Clapped for Carers during the pandemic?
What changed so that he no longer values Britain's nurses and health care workers?
#nursestrike #nhspay #supportnhsnurses
@simotoisback μια χαρά το NHS από κάποιες απόψεις όμως, σύστημα υγείας που ο ασθενής ενημερώνεται λεπτομερώς και ζητείται η άποψή του για προτιμώμενη θεραπεία. Δεν έχω κανενα παράπονο, συχνός πελάτης των A&E λόγω μικρού με αναπνευστικά, θα χα ξεπουληθεί αν ημουνα αμερική. Να πουμε κι ένα #supportNHSnurses #NursesStrike #NHS (edit τα hashtags) μέρα που είναι @Vio @IAmSpartacus @tromo
#supportnhsnurses #nursesstrike #nhs