How can #SteveBarclay accuse the #RCN of being 'disrespectful' to other #NHS unions by continuing their strike action.... he, from a Govt. that has shown the NHS a distinct lack of respect for years - the gall of it!
#stevebarclay #rcn #nhs #supportournhs #supportournurses #gtto
Pat Cullen of the RCN on today's high court victory by #SteveBarclay in declaring the next #Nurses stoppage illegal on the basis that second day was beyond the period of the last strike ballot:
They may 'have won their legal battle . . . they have lost nursing & they’ve lost the public'!
Absolutely right!
But actually they never had me!
#stevebarclay #nurses #SupportTheStrikes #supportournurses #supportournhs #gtto
The latest pay offer from the government was pathetic and was rejected by the Royal College of Nursing.
I and my colleagues are at our lowest ebb, we're exhausted, and we have no energy left. There are record levels of sickness. So many of us are looking for a way out. This country is haemorrhaging "shop floor" nurses, there is zero incentive.
#RCN #RCNStrike #Nurses #Nursing #NursesStrike #NursesInCrisis #NHS #SupportOurNurses #NHSStrike #NursesStrikeAction
#rcn #rcnstrike #nurses #nursing #nursesstrike #nursesincrisis #nhs #supportournurses #nhsstrike #nursesstrikeaction
Yesterday afternoon #RishiSunakPM said that as part of the 'additional funding' for the #NHS pay settlement there will be some 'reprioritisation, as there always is'; so that' not fully funded then - at least some of the cash will be redirected from the current budget.... so the row back didn't take long did it now (hours rather than days)
h/t @fkamiah17 for the heads up on that!
#rishisunakpm #nhs #supportournurses #SupportTheStrikes
I've said it before but I'm going to say it again...
Unless #JeremyHunt is going to fund the proposed pay rise for #Nurses & other #NHS staff negotiated by the unions & Steve Barclay, it is going to have to be funded out of already stretched budgets.... which actually means a continuance of the defunding of the NHS with its hard working staff being manoeuvred into the position where further cuts will be blamed on their 'greed' in going on strike for a living wage;
just watch!
#jeremyhunt #nurses #nhs #supportournurses
So #RishiSunakPM, with #juniordoctors now voting to join the #NHSstrikes, how that game of hardball going for you?
So #SupportTheStrikes however inconvenient it is for you
#SupportOurNurses, because clapping (in the end) was a distraction...
The NHS is not safe in #Tory hands... and this is what the strikes are really about!
#rishisunakpm #juniordoctors #nhsstrikes #SupportTheStrikes #supportournurses #tory
It seems #RishiSunakPM finally may(!!) be considering back-dated pay rises for #strikers in the #publicsector...
but as before this is so much hogwash if #JeremyHunt continues to hold the line that all pyrites must come from within existing/settled budgets... if so, this is just another run at defunding public services (most crucially the #NHS) & will merely shift the problem from one aspect of the (various) public services' organisation to another...
#rishisunakpm #strikers #publicsector #jeremyhunt #nhs #SupportTheStrikes #supportournurses
Pat Cullen of the RCN on the 43,000 #nurses who have quit their careers in the last 5yrs (incidentally there are currently 47,000 #nursing vacancies):
“That nurses aren’t just choosing to retire early but are quitting & not just the NHS but the profession entirely, when they’re only a few years into their career, is deeply worrying. It speaks volumes about the dire state that ministers have allowed nursing to fall into through years of underfunding and neglect”.
#nurses #nursing #SaveOurNHS #supportournurses
Over the weekend the #Nurses leader(s) and the ©out. traded blows over whether (in light of tis weeks #NHSstrikes) the Govt. was currently 'at the table' discussing the underlying pay issues...
The Nurses said there were no talks going on, the Govt. claimed there were.... making this an issue of who do you trust to be telling the truth, which to be frank in light of the #Tories frequent mendacity makes it an easy choice this morning!
#nurses #nhsstrikes #tories #SaveOurNHS #SupportTheStrikes #supportournurses
"The real reason Grandma can’t get into a nursing home."
#NursingHomes #NursingCare #NurseSalaries
#NursingWages #NurseWages #NursingPay
#NursingBurnOut #NurseBurnout #Nurses
#PayEquity #NursingDemands #NurseHeroes
#PayEquality #SupportOurNurses #NursesRule
#NurseStaffing #NurseShortages #NursesRock
#NursesDeserveRespect #RespecttoAllNurses
#NursingAidesDeserveRespect #NursingAides
#nursingaides #nursingaidesdeserverespect #respecttoallnurses #nursesdeserverespect #nursesrock #nurseshortages #nursestaffing #NursesRule #supportournurses #payequality #nurseheroes #nursingdemands #payequity #nurses #nurseburnout #nursingburnout #nursingpay #nursewages #nursingwages #nursesalaries #NursingCare #nursinghomes
It will be no surprise to you that #inflation has hit the value of (real terms) incomes, in both the private & public sectors...
Certainly private sector #employees are suffering, but this is outstripped by the fall in #publicsector wages (in real terms)... this alongside greater remaining unionisation gives us the context for the #strike action(s), even if the reasons are wider than just pay
#Inflation #Employees #publicsector #strike #SupportTheStrikes #supportournurses #supportourteachers
Today’s Tories may have clapped NHS nurses and health workers at the height of the pandemic; yet they are not only against a decent remuneration for them, but also contemplating a more privately financed healthcare system. “Mark my words: this will be the end of the NHS if the Tories have their way” “RICH and POOR should be treated alike, poverty is not a disability and wealth is not an advantage”. Time for a #generalelectionnow and we MUST vote the Tories out!! #SupportOurNurses
#supportournurses #generalelectionnow
While I'm sure no-one here thinks the #strikers are rabble-rousing anti-social lefties seeking to disrupt our wonderful system, it nevertheless is worth reading these first-hand accounts of the desperate circumstances that have driven people onto the #picketlines
#strikers #picketlines #SupportTheStrikes #supportournurses #supportourteachers
Following on from yesterday's data on the donations to the #Tories received from private #healthcare... here's some evidence of what it has bought: an #NHS crisis that it pushing people towards paying for health care... follow the money: donations = policy of NHS defunding = increased 'demand' for private health!
#tories #healthcare #nhs #SupportTheStrikes #supportournurses
Three charts (from @financialtimes) that lie behind the current #strikes;
This is why a strategy of further constraints on strikes will do nothing but poor petrol on the flames of discontent!
Only when the Govt realises that after over a decade of #austerity & defining of public services have they stoked the fires of the very strikes they are annoyed about will the tide turn;
Of course for the #Tories this data confirms the success of their #classwar!
#strikes #austerity #tories #classwar #SupportTheStrikes #supportournurses
Just for the avoidance of any doubt
#SupportTheStrikes #supportyourpostie #supportournurses #togetherwerise
Posts in support of our over-stretched but hard working #NHS often have tags like these:
#NHSIsBroken #NHSCrisis #NHSStrikes #NursesStrike
Let’s instead use ones that linger in the mind with a nudge toward action and support and cannot be interpreted as supporting structural change (i.e. privatisation)?
Try some of these in your next post:
#FundTheNHS #SupportOurNurses #SupportTheStrikes #FairPayForTheNHS #LessClappingMorePay
and let’s control the narrative.
#NHS #nhsisbroken #nhscrisis #nhsstrikes #NursesStrike #fundthenhs #supportournurses #SupportTheStrikes #fairpayforthenhs #lessclappingmorepay
The continued lack of interest by this Govt. in entering serious/meaningful negotiations on the key issue of pay clearly shows the #Tories are playing a long game of politics in the #NursesStrike; they are expecting two outcomes:
firstly this year more patients driven into the hands of private #healthcare (their long term policy in any case);
secondly, that continued disruption will prompt support fatigue across the country, leaving #nurses isolated.
So we mustn't waver!
#tories #nursesstrike #healthcare #nurses #supportournurses
@nhsactivistrn So lovely to see you again Siobhan. You will like it here. It’s friendly, gentle and supportive. You will fit right in.
Happy New Year my friend and thx for all you do 💚💚💚
Well, well, well, who could have predicted that private #ambulance providers would step into the breach to offer trips to hospital for non-critical patients at prices between £200-400, or even in some cases towards £1k... Oh wait a minute...
One more case of the #healthcare crisis offering 'opportunities' for profitable activity for the private sector.
If you doubt the intent of #tory policy on the #NHS, as the say 'follow the money'!
#ambulance #healthcare #tory #nhs #SaveOurNHS #supportournurses